Since 1996, there has only been 1 person
with this position. Their salary information is below.
FullName | EMPLOYER | SALARY | BENEFITS | YEAR | NameUrl | EmployerUrl |
Peter Routledge | County of Dufferin | 146862.74 | 811.03 | 2023 | peter-routledge/county-of-dufferin | county-of-dufferin |
Peter Routledge | County of Dufferin | 135788.66 | 744.00 | 2022 | peter-routledge/county-of-dufferin | county-of-dufferin |
Peter Routledge | County of Dufferin | 123152.54 | 531.11 | 2021 | peter-routledge/county-of-dufferin | county-of-dufferin |
Peter Routledge | County of Dufferin | 124653.00 | 486.00 | 2020 | peter-routledge/county-of-dufferin | county-of-dufferin |
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