very high
Category: Universities
Salary Information
   Historical salary and taxable benefits from 1996 to 2023
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2011 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 125000.04 | 21.60 | -0.50000 | 26654 | 79586 | 8196 | 13820 | 549 | 1023 | 5 | 5 | 59898 | 59927 | 11929 | 11934 | 888 | 888 | 5 | 5 | 18642 | 51239 | 5751 | 8983 | 381 | 678 | 3 | 3 | 39929 | 39945 | 7952 | 7956 | 528 | 598 | 3 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2010 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250000.08 | 43.20 | -0.05660 | 1527 | 71571 | 211 | 12853 | 7 | 967 | 2 | 5 | 48355 | 52975 | 10306 | 10948 | 771 | 796 | 4 | 4 | 1065 | 47067 | 165 | 8512 | 6 | 644 | 2 | 3 | 31776 | 35241 | 6984 | 7427 | 443 | 542 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2009 | Administration | 265000.08 | 43.20 | 0.05750 | 973 | 64132 | 130 | 11908 | 4 | 861 | 3 | 5 | 16808 | 44977 | 3715 | 9229 | 511 | 620 | 1 | 4 | 674 | 42354 | 99 | 8024 | 4 | 578 | 2 | 2 | 11362 | 30662 | 2540 | 6317 | 251 | 415 | 1 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | administration |
2008 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250582.73 | 1416.10 | 0.04410 | 1286 | 53802 | 154 | 10472 | 5 | 685 | 2 | 4 | 17157 | 34827 | 4165 | 8279 | 150 | 565 | 3 | 4 | 899 | 36275 | 125 | 7187 | 5 | 468 | 2 | 2 | 11791 | 24174 | 2974 | 5886 | 90 | 396 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2007 | Vice President | 239999.88 | 60.48 | 0.06810 | 1005 | 42760 | 135 | 9417 | 6 | 627 | 15 | 72 | 8449 | 28149 | 2581 | 6925 | 32 | 544 | 22 | 60 | 703 | 29572 | 113 | 6601 | 6 | 435 | 9 | 36 | 6224 | 20214 | 1885 | 5060 | 20 | 382 | 10 | 29 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2006 | Vice President | 224699.96 | 68.04 | 0.04900 | 1015 | 34108 | 139 | 7867 | 7 | 650 | 20 | 67 | 10668 | 22105 | 2672 | 5505 | 159 | 194 | 25 | 55 | 707 | 23859 | 114 | 5643 | 6 | 448 | 12 | 35 | 7598 | 15774 | 1946 | 4105 | 38 | 145 | 14 | 30 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2005 | Vice President | 214200.00 | 77.76 | 0.03650 | 887 | 27458 | 138 | 6753 | 7 | 369 | 24 | 89 | 9223 | 18456 | 3134 | 5003 | 64 | 292 | 45 | 79 | 636 | 19334 | 108 | 4998 | 7 | 280 | 15 | 45 | 6682 | 13369 | 2435 | 3876 | 41 | 229 | 22 | 39 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2004 | Vice-recteur / VP | 206666.58 | 1084.24 | 0.17870 | 1171 | 23246 | 126 | 5819 | 5 | 341 | 2 | 3 | 1070 | 15522 | 154 | 4046 | 2 | 253 | 1 | 3 | 866 | 16815 | 102 | 4480 | 5 | 271 | 2 | 3 | 786 | 11453 | 110 | 3198 | 2 | 209 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vp |
2003 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 175333.00 | 84.00 | 0.18720 | 1821 | 20365 | 221 | 5145 | 15 | 303 | 2 | 3 | 997 | 11972 | 201 | 3310 | 6 | 223 | 1 | 3 | 1351 | 14961 | 183 | 4054 | 13 | 246 | 2 | 3 | 742 | 8996 | 168 | 2702 | 4 | 185 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2002 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 147681.24 | 78.00 | 0.26620 | 2997 | 16691 | 359 | 3843 | 22 | 260 | 3 | 3 | 301 | 9522 | 45 | 2482 | 5 | 175 | 1 | 3 | 2189 | 12252 | 296 | 3127 | 20 | 215 | 3 | 3 | 234 | 7159 | 34 | 2055 | 4 | 150 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2001 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 116634.00 | 78.00 | -- | 6285 | 13033 | 1079 | 3129 | 59 | 207 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 4578 | 9588 | 918 | 2598 | 51 | 179 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
Ranking Information
   Each year's salary and raise is compared against various peer groups on the sunshine list
2011 Ranking of $125,000 in Salary
26,654 out of 79,586 /
67th percentile
8,196 out of 13,820 /
41st percentile
549 out of 1,023 /
46th percentile
5 out of 5 /
0th percentile
2011 Ranking of -50.0% Raise from 2010 to 2011
59,898 out of 59,927 /
0th percentile
11,929 out of 11,934 /
0th percentile
888 out of 888 /
0th percentile
5 out of 5 /
0th percentile
Ranking information by year
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2011 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 125000.04 | 21.60 | -0.50000 | 26654 | 79586 | 8196 | 13820 | 549 | 1023 | 5 | 5 | 59898 | 59927 | 11929 | 11934 | 888 | 888 | 5 | 5 | 18642 | 51239 | 5751 | 8983 | 381 | 678 | 3 | 3 | 39929 | 39945 | 7952 | 7956 | 528 | 598 | 3 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2010 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250000.08 | 43.20 | -0.05660 | 1527 | 71571 | 211 | 12853 | 7 | 967 | 2 | 5 | 48355 | 52975 | 10306 | 10948 | 771 | 796 | 4 | 4 | 1065 | 47067 | 165 | 8512 | 6 | 644 | 2 | 3 | 31776 | 35241 | 6984 | 7427 | 443 | 542 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2009 | Administration | 265000.08 | 43.20 | 0.05750 | 973 | 64132 | 130 | 11908 | 4 | 861 | 3 | 5 | 16808 | 44977 | 3715 | 9229 | 511 | 620 | 1 | 4 | 674 | 42354 | 99 | 8024 | 4 | 578 | 2 | 2 | 11362 | 30662 | 2540 | 6317 | 251 | 415 | 1 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | administration |
2008 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250582.73 | 1416.10 | 0.04410 | 1286 | 53802 | 154 | 10472 | 5 | 685 | 2 | 4 | 17157 | 34827 | 4165 | 8279 | 150 | 565 | 3 | 4 | 899 | 36275 | 125 | 7187 | 5 | 468 | 2 | 2 | 11791 | 24174 | 2974 | 5886 | 90 | 396 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2007 | Vice President | 239999.88 | 60.48 | 0.06810 | 1005 | 42760 | 135 | 9417 | 6 | 627 | 15 | 72 | 8449 | 28149 | 2581 | 6925 | 32 | 544 | 22 | 60 | 703 | 29572 | 113 | 6601 | 6 | 435 | 9 | 36 | 6224 | 20214 | 1885 | 5060 | 20 | 382 | 10 | 29 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2006 | Vice President | 224699.96 | 68.04 | 0.04900 | 1015 | 34108 | 139 | 7867 | 7 | 650 | 20 | 67 | 10668 | 22105 | 2672 | 5505 | 159 | 194 | 25 | 55 | 707 | 23859 | 114 | 5643 | 6 | 448 | 12 | 35 | 7598 | 15774 | 1946 | 4105 | 38 | 145 | 14 | 30 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2005 | Vice President | 214200.00 | 77.76 | 0.03650 | 887 | 27458 | 138 | 6753 | 7 | 369 | 24 | 89 | 9223 | 18456 | 3134 | 5003 | 64 | 292 | 45 | 79 | 636 | 19334 | 108 | 4998 | 7 | 280 | 15 | 45 | 6682 | 13369 | 2435 | 3876 | 41 | 229 | 22 | 39 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2004 | Vice-recteur / VP | 206666.58 | 1084.24 | 0.17870 | 1171 | 23246 | 126 | 5819 | 5 | 341 | 2 | 3 | 1070 | 15522 | 154 | 4046 | 2 | 253 | 1 | 3 | 866 | 16815 | 102 | 4480 | 5 | 271 | 2 | 3 | 786 | 11453 | 110 | 3198 | 2 | 209 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vp |
2003 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 175333.00 | 84.00 | 0.18720 | 1821 | 20365 | 221 | 5145 | 15 | 303 | 2 | 3 | 997 | 11972 | 201 | 3310 | 6 | 223 | 1 | 3 | 1351 | 14961 | 183 | 4054 | 13 | 246 | 2 | 3 | 742 | 8996 | 168 | 2702 | 4 | 185 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2002 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 147681.24 | 78.00 | 0.26620 | 2997 | 16691 | 359 | 3843 | 22 | 260 | 3 | 3 | 301 | 9522 | 45 | 2482 | 5 | 175 | 1 | 3 | 2189 | 12252 | 296 | 3127 | 20 | 215 | 3 | 3 | 234 | 7159 | 34 | 2055 | 4 | 150 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2001 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 116634.00 | 78.00 | -- | 6285 | 13033 | 1079 | 3129 | 59 | 207 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 4578 | 9588 | 918 | 2598 | 51 | 179 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2011 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 125000.04 | 21.60 | -0.50000 | 26654 | 79586 | 8196 | 13820 | 549 | 1023 | 5 | 5 | 59898 | 59927 | 11929 | 11934 | 888 | 888 | 5 | 5 | 18642 | 51239 | 5751 | 8983 | 381 | 678 | 3 | 3 | 39929 | 39945 | 7952 | 7956 | 528 | 598 | 3 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2010 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250000.08 | 43.20 | -0.05660 | 1527 | 71571 | 211 | 12853 | 7 | 967 | 2 | 5 | 48355 | 52975 | 10306 | 10948 | 771 | 796 | 4 | 4 | 1065 | 47067 | 165 | 8512 | 6 | 644 | 2 | 3 | 31776 | 35241 | 6984 | 7427 | 443 | 542 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2009 | Administration | 265000.08 | 43.20 | 0.05750 | 973 | 64132 | 130 | 11908 | 4 | 861 | 3 | 5 | 16808 | 44977 | 3715 | 9229 | 511 | 620 | 1 | 4 | 674 | 42354 | 99 | 8024 | 4 | 578 | 2 | 2 | 11362 | 30662 | 2540 | 6317 | 251 | 415 | 1 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | administration |
2008 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250582.73 | 1416.10 | 0.04410 | 1286 | 53802 | 154 | 10472 | 5 | 685 | 2 | 4 | 17157 | 34827 | 4165 | 8279 | 150 | 565 | 3 | 4 | 899 | 36275 | 125 | 7187 | 5 | 468 | 2 | 2 | 11791 | 24174 | 2974 | 5886 | 90 | 396 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2007 | Vice President | 239999.88 | 60.48 | 0.06810 | 1005 | 42760 | 135 | 9417 | 6 | 627 | 15 | 72 | 8449 | 28149 | 2581 | 6925 | 32 | 544 | 22 | 60 | 703 | 29572 | 113 | 6601 | 6 | 435 | 9 | 36 | 6224 | 20214 | 1885 | 5060 | 20 | 382 | 10 | 29 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2006 | Vice President | 224699.96 | 68.04 | 0.04900 | 1015 | 34108 | 139 | 7867 | 7 | 650 | 20 | 67 | 10668 | 22105 | 2672 | 5505 | 159 | 194 | 25 | 55 | 707 | 23859 | 114 | 5643 | 6 | 448 | 12 | 35 | 7598 | 15774 | 1946 | 4105 | 38 | 145 | 14 | 30 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2005 | Vice President | 214200.00 | 77.76 | 0.03650 | 887 | 27458 | 138 | 6753 | 7 | 369 | 24 | 89 | 9223 | 18456 | 3134 | 5003 | 64 | 292 | 45 | 79 | 636 | 19334 | 108 | 4998 | 7 | 280 | 15 | 45 | 6682 | 13369 | 2435 | 3876 | 41 | 229 | 22 | 39 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2004 | Vice-recteur / VP | 206666.58 | 1084.24 | 0.17870 | 1171 | 23246 | 126 | 5819 | 5 | 341 | 2 | 3 | 1070 | 15522 | 154 | 4046 | 2 | 253 | 1 | 3 | 866 | 16815 | 102 | 4480 | 5 | 271 | 2 | 3 | 786 | 11453 | 110 | 3198 | 2 | 209 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vp |
2003 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 175333.00 | 84.00 | 0.18720 | 1821 | 20365 | 221 | 5145 | 15 | 303 | 2 | 3 | 997 | 11972 | 201 | 3310 | 6 | 223 | 1 | 3 | 1351 | 14961 | 183 | 4054 | 13 | 246 | 2 | 3 | 742 | 8996 | 168 | 2702 | 4 | 185 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2002 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 147681.24 | 78.00 | 0.26620 | 2997 | 16691 | 359 | 3843 | 22 | 260 | 3 | 3 | 301 | 9522 | 45 | 2482 | 5 | 175 | 1 | 3 | 2189 | 12252 | 296 | 3127 | 20 | 215 | 3 | 3 | 234 | 7159 | 34 | 2055 | 4 | 150 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2001 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 116634.00 | 78.00 | -- | 6285 | 13033 | 1079 | 3129 | 59 | 207 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 4578 | 9588 | 918 | 2598 | 51 | 179 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2011 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 125000.04 | 21.60 | -0.50000 | 26654 | 79586 | 8196 | 13820 | 549 | 1023 | 5 | 5 | 59898 | 59927 | 11929 | 11934 | 888 | 888 | 5 | 5 | 18642 | 51239 | 5751 | 8983 | 381 | 678 | 3 | 3 | 39929 | 39945 | 7952 | 7956 | 528 | 598 | 3 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2010 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250000.08 | 43.20 | -0.05660 | 1527 | 71571 | 211 | 12853 | 7 | 967 | 2 | 5 | 48355 | 52975 | 10306 | 10948 | 771 | 796 | 4 | 4 | 1065 | 47067 | 165 | 8512 | 6 | 644 | 2 | 3 | 31776 | 35241 | 6984 | 7427 | 443 | 542 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2009 | Administration | 265000.08 | 43.20 | 0.05750 | 973 | 64132 | 130 | 11908 | 4 | 861 | 3 | 5 | 16808 | 44977 | 3715 | 9229 | 511 | 620 | 1 | 4 | 674 | 42354 | 99 | 8024 | 4 | 578 | 2 | 2 | 11362 | 30662 | 2540 | 6317 | 251 | 415 | 1 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | administration |
2008 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250582.73 | 1416.10 | 0.04410 | 1286 | 53802 | 154 | 10472 | 5 | 685 | 2 | 4 | 17157 | 34827 | 4165 | 8279 | 150 | 565 | 3 | 4 | 899 | 36275 | 125 | 7187 | 5 | 468 | 2 | 2 | 11791 | 24174 | 2974 | 5886 | 90 | 396 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2007 | Vice President | 239999.88 | 60.48 | 0.06810 | 1005 | 42760 | 135 | 9417 | 6 | 627 | 15 | 72 | 8449 | 28149 | 2581 | 6925 | 32 | 544 | 22 | 60 | 703 | 29572 | 113 | 6601 | 6 | 435 | 9 | 36 | 6224 | 20214 | 1885 | 5060 | 20 | 382 | 10 | 29 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2006 | Vice President | 224699.96 | 68.04 | 0.04900 | 1015 | 34108 | 139 | 7867 | 7 | 650 | 20 | 67 | 10668 | 22105 | 2672 | 5505 | 159 | 194 | 25 | 55 | 707 | 23859 | 114 | 5643 | 6 | 448 | 12 | 35 | 7598 | 15774 | 1946 | 4105 | 38 | 145 | 14 | 30 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2005 | Vice President | 214200.00 | 77.76 | 0.03650 | 887 | 27458 | 138 | 6753 | 7 | 369 | 24 | 89 | 9223 | 18456 | 3134 | 5003 | 64 | 292 | 45 | 79 | 636 | 19334 | 108 | 4998 | 7 | 280 | 15 | 45 | 6682 | 13369 | 2435 | 3876 | 41 | 229 | 22 | 39 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2004 | Vice-recteur / VP | 206666.58 | 1084.24 | 0.17870 | 1171 | 23246 | 126 | 5819 | 5 | 341 | 2 | 3 | 1070 | 15522 | 154 | 4046 | 2 | 253 | 1 | 3 | 866 | 16815 | 102 | 4480 | 5 | 271 | 2 | 3 | 786 | 11453 | 110 | 3198 | 2 | 209 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vp |
2003 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 175333.00 | 84.00 | 0.18720 | 1821 | 20365 | 221 | 5145 | 15 | 303 | 2 | 3 | 997 | 11972 | 201 | 3310 | 6 | 223 | 1 | 3 | 1351 | 14961 | 183 | 4054 | 13 | 246 | 2 | 3 | 742 | 8996 | 168 | 2702 | 4 | 185 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2002 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 147681.24 | 78.00 | 0.26620 | 2997 | 16691 | 359 | 3843 | 22 | 260 | 3 | 3 | 301 | 9522 | 45 | 2482 | 5 | 175 | 1 | 3 | 2189 | 12252 | 296 | 3127 | 20 | 215 | 3 | 3 | 234 | 7159 | 34 | 2055 | 4 | 150 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2001 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 116634.00 | 78.00 | -- | 6285 | 13033 | 1079 | 3129 | 59 | 207 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 4578 | 9588 | 918 | 2598 | 51 | 179 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2011 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 125000.04 | 21.60 | -0.50000 | 26654 | 79586 | 8196 | 13820 | 549 | 1023 | 5 | 5 | 59898 | 59927 | 11929 | 11934 | 888 | 888 | 5 | 5 | 18642 | 51239 | 5751 | 8983 | 381 | 678 | 3 | 3 | 39929 | 39945 | 7952 | 7956 | 528 | 598 | 3 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2010 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250000.08 | 43.20 | -0.05660 | 1527 | 71571 | 211 | 12853 | 7 | 967 | 2 | 5 | 48355 | 52975 | 10306 | 10948 | 771 | 796 | 4 | 4 | 1065 | 47067 | 165 | 8512 | 6 | 644 | 2 | 3 | 31776 | 35241 | 6984 | 7427 | 443 | 542 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2009 | Administration | 265000.08 | 43.20 | 0.05750 | 973 | 64132 | 130 | 11908 | 4 | 861 | 3 | 5 | 16808 | 44977 | 3715 | 9229 | 511 | 620 | 1 | 4 | 674 | 42354 | 99 | 8024 | 4 | 578 | 2 | 2 | 11362 | 30662 | 2540 | 6317 | 251 | 415 | 1 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | administration |
2008 | Vice President, Academic and Provost | 250582.73 | 1416.10 | 0.04410 | 1286 | 53802 | 154 | 10472 | 5 | 685 | 2 | 4 | 17157 | 34827 | 4165 | 8279 | 150 | 565 | 3 | 4 | 899 | 36275 | 125 | 7187 | 5 | 468 | 2 | 2 | 11791 | 24174 | 2974 | 5886 | 90 | 396 | 2 | 2 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president-academic-and-provost |
2007 | Vice President | 239999.88 | 60.48 | 0.06810 | 1005 | 42760 | 135 | 9417 | 6 | 627 | 15 | 72 | 8449 | 28149 | 2581 | 6925 | 32 | 544 | 22 | 60 | 703 | 29572 | 113 | 6601 | 6 | 435 | 9 | 36 | 6224 | 20214 | 1885 | 5060 | 20 | 382 | 10 | 29 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2006 | Vice President | 224699.96 | 68.04 | 0.04900 | 1015 | 34108 | 139 | 7867 | 7 | 650 | 20 | 67 | 10668 | 22105 | 2672 | 5505 | 159 | 194 | 25 | 55 | 707 | 23859 | 114 | 5643 | 6 | 448 | 12 | 35 | 7598 | 15774 | 1946 | 4105 | 38 | 145 | 14 | 30 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2005 | Vice President | 214200.00 | 77.76 | 0.03650 | 887 | 27458 | 138 | 6753 | 7 | 369 | 24 | 89 | 9223 | 18456 | 3134 | 5003 | 64 | 292 | 45 | 79 | 636 | 19334 | 108 | 4998 | 7 | 280 | 15 | 45 | 6682 | 13369 | 2435 | 3876 | 41 | 229 | 22 | 39 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-president |
2004 | Vice-recteur / VP | 206666.58 | 1084.24 | 0.17870 | 1171 | 23246 | 126 | 5819 | 5 | 341 | 2 | 3 | 1070 | 15522 | 154 | 4046 | 2 | 253 | 1 | 3 | 866 | 16815 | 102 | 4480 | 5 | 271 | 2 | 3 | 786 | 11453 | 110 | 3198 | 2 | 209 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vp |
2003 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 175333.00 | 84.00 | 0.18720 | 1821 | 20365 | 221 | 5145 | 15 | 303 | 2 | 3 | 997 | 11972 | 201 | 3310 | 6 | 223 | 1 | 3 | 1351 | 14961 | 183 | 4054 | 13 | 246 | 2 | 3 | 742 | 8996 | 168 | 2702 | 4 | 185 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2002 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 147681.24 | 78.00 | 0.26620 | 2997 | 16691 | 359 | 3843 | 22 | 260 | 3 | 3 | 301 | 9522 | 45 | 2482 | 5 | 175 | 1 | 3 | 2189 | 12252 | 296 | 3127 | 20 | 215 | 3 | 3 | 234 | 7159 | 34 | 2055 | 4 | 150 | 1 | 3 | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
2001 | Vice-recteur - Vice-Rector | 116634.00 | 78.00 | -- | 6285 | 13033 | 1079 | 3129 | 59 | 207 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 4578 | 9588 | 918 | 2598 | 51 | 179 | 3 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 167831 | 11531 | 54 | Universities | vice-recteur-vice-rector |
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