very high
Category: Municipalities and Services
Salary Information
   Historical salary and taxable benefits from 1996 to 2023
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Constable | 200645.26 | 481.44 | 0.24530 | 13089 | 300570 | 1176 | 65787 | 11 | 636 | 21 | 4611 | 5535 | 222398 | 892 | 52126 | 24 | 557 | 73 | 3920 | 8261 | 137962 | 843 | 46700 | 10 | 453 | 21 | 3645 | 2930 | 106320 | 674 | 38191 | 19 | 413 | 60 | 3160 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2022 | Constable | 161116.16 | 481.44 | 0.19460 | 27739 | 266903 | 5087 | 61020 | 36 | 604 | 221 | 4566 | 7411 | 206301 | 3319 | 46925 | 33 | 515 | 415 | 3813 | 17771 | 125187 | 3927 | 43700 | 32 | 441 | 196 | 3622 | 4699 | 100810 | 2648 | 34888 | 20 | 387 | 343 | 3075 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2021 | Constable | 134873.35 | 478.92 | 0.03660 | 49911 | 244390 | 12152 | 53835 | 107 | 582 | 657 | 4544 | 53228 | 172444 | 15547 | 45304 | 175 | 524 | 1767 | 4000 | 31785 | 117235 | 9429 | 39337 | 94 | 429 | 581 | 3601 | 30433 | 91659 | 12026 | 33882 | 134 | 402 | 1464 | 3209 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2020 | Constable | 130106.43 | 581.40 | 0.00750 | 55776 | 205606 | 13907 | 52507 | 115 | 584 | 536 | 4428 | 105416 | 142554 | 29519 | 42454 | 420 | 493 | 2177 | 3768 | 35031 | 105145 | 10673 | 38584 | 100 | 441 | 476 | 3527 | 58950 | 81613 | 21919 | 32442 | 277 | 383 | 1720 | 3037 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2019 | Constable | 129133.39 | 575.94 | 0.07400 | 49901 | 167098 | 12648 | 48313 | 91 | 524 | 648 | 4539 | 20952 | 121172 | 7918 | 39325 | 116 | 368 | 859 | 3797 | 32398 | 93686 | 10047 | 36671 | 81 | 409 | 575 | 3652 | 13325 | 71079 | 6412 | 30422 | 76 | 305 | 730 | 3098 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2018 | Constable | 120233.51 | 608.22 | -0.08920 | 63255 | 151375 | 17548 | 44469 | 83 | 395 | 1023 | 4143 | 108914 | 113027 | 34136 | 35664 | 322 | 335 | 3421 | 3560 | 40683 | 87379 | 13926 | 34043 | 73 | 328 | 888 | 3359 | 65831 | 68743 | 26616 | 27922 | 237 | 285 | 2806 | 2929 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2017 | Constable | 132002.40 | 656.52 | 0.08440 | 35130 | 131909 | 7053 | 40798 | 39 | 382 | 256 | 4040 | 13691 | 100244 | 5843 | 31050 | 55 | 289 | 470 | 2885 | 23369 | 78517 | 5600 | 31673 | 35 | 325 | 232 | 3299 | 9471 | 62168 | 4961 | 24224 | 39 | 251 | 410 | 2402 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2016 | Constable | 121732.11 | 654.72 | -0.02850 | 48087 | 124282 | 10358 | 35684 | 62 | 331 | 531 | 3665 | 80826 | 94850 | 22735 | 28871 | 212 | 227 | 2042 | 2493 | 31219 | 74361 | 8109 | 27595 | 55 | 287 | 470 | 3049 | 49374 | 59148 | 17364 | 22642 | 133 | 202 | 1731 | 2128 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2015 | Constable | 125299.05 | 676.96 | 0.15910 | 38753 | 115736 | 8569 | 34375 | 34 | 259 | 232 | 3151 | 3939 | 89810 | 1671 | 26107 | 3 | 187 | 70 | 2213 | 25988 | 70388 | 6876 | 26916 | 31 | 226 | 214 | 2658 | 2872 | 56838 | 1461 | 20633 | 2 | 164 | 63 | 1901 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2014 | Constable | 108100.11 | 715.56 | 0.04140 | 76438 | 111510 | 19936 | 30800 | 140 | 212 | 1309 | 2778 | 31321 | 82722 | 10062 | 21731 | 42 | 175 | 676 | 1768 | 50416 | 70562 | 15872 | 24272 | 125 | 184 | 1151 | 2355 | 20924 | 53840 | 7851 | 17438 | 34 | 156 | 612 | 1526 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2013 | Constable, 1st Class | 103806.37 | 623.52 | -0.18400 | 80742 | 97944 | 21016 | 25676 | 167 | 192 | 25 | 36 | 73104 | 74097 | 16646 | 16740 | 163 | 163 | 24 | 24 | 52857 | 62824 | 16937 | 20629 | 149 | 172 | 23 | 34 | 47239 | 47910 | 13140 | 13220 | 122 | 145 | 23 | 23 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2012 | Constable, 1st Class | 127211.56 | 460.32 | 0.13870 | 27096 | 88687 | 3312 | 19919 | 18 | 191 | 1 | 37 | 3661 | 67151 | 737 | 13275 | 12 | 108 | 2 | 11 | 18741 | 56412 | 2559 | 15778 | 16 | 170 | 1 | 34 | 2540 | 43737 | 609 | 10536 | 6 | 99 | 2 | 11 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2011 | Constable, 1st Class | 111719.37 | 447.84 | 0.02450 | 47032 | 79586 | 7339 | 16580 | 33 | 114 | 3 | 11 | 31945 | 59927 | 5442 | 12256 | 31 | 79 | 2 | 6 | 31461 | 51239 | 5811 | 13255 | 31 | 105 | 3 | 11 | 20966 | 39945 | 4212 | 9913 | 21 | 76 | 2 | 6 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2010 | Constable, 1st Class | 109045.36 | 447.84 | -- | 47863 | 71571 | 8184 | 15355 | 36 | 104 | 4 | 18 | | | | | | | | | 32306 | 47067 | 6575 | 12472 | 35 | 98 | 4 | 17 | | | | | | | | | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
Ranking Information
   Each year's salary and raise is compared against various peer groups on the sunshine list
2023 Ranking of $200,645 in Salary
13,089 out of 300,570 /
96th percentile
1,176 out of 65,787 /
98th percentile
11 out of 636 /
98th percentile
21 out of 4,611 /
100th percentile
2023 Ranking of 24.5% Raise from 2022 to 2023
5,535 out of 222,398 /
98th percentile
892 out of 52,126 /
98th percentile
24 out of 557 /
96th percentile
73 out of 3,920 /
98th percentile
Ranking information by year
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Constable | 200645.26 | 481.44 | 0.24530 | 13089 | 300570 | 1176 | 65787 | 11 | 636 | 21 | 4611 | 5535 | 222398 | 892 | 52126 | 24 | 557 | 73 | 3920 | 8261 | 137962 | 843 | 46700 | 10 | 453 | 21 | 3645 | 2930 | 106320 | 674 | 38191 | 19 | 413 | 60 | 3160 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2022 | Constable | 161116.16 | 481.44 | 0.19460 | 27739 | 266903 | 5087 | 61020 | 36 | 604 | 221 | 4566 | 7411 | 206301 | 3319 | 46925 | 33 | 515 | 415 | 3813 | 17771 | 125187 | 3927 | 43700 | 32 | 441 | 196 | 3622 | 4699 | 100810 | 2648 | 34888 | 20 | 387 | 343 | 3075 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2021 | Constable | 134873.35 | 478.92 | 0.03660 | 49911 | 244390 | 12152 | 53835 | 107 | 582 | 657 | 4544 | 53228 | 172444 | 15547 | 45304 | 175 | 524 | 1767 | 4000 | 31785 | 117235 | 9429 | 39337 | 94 | 429 | 581 | 3601 | 30433 | 91659 | 12026 | 33882 | 134 | 402 | 1464 | 3209 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2020 | Constable | 130106.43 | 581.40 | 0.00750 | 55776 | 205606 | 13907 | 52507 | 115 | 584 | 536 | 4428 | 105416 | 142554 | 29519 | 42454 | 420 | 493 | 2177 | 3768 | 35031 | 105145 | 10673 | 38584 | 100 | 441 | 476 | 3527 | 58950 | 81613 | 21919 | 32442 | 277 | 383 | 1720 | 3037 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2019 | Constable | 129133.39 | 575.94 | 0.07400 | 49901 | 167098 | 12648 | 48313 | 91 | 524 | 648 | 4539 | 20952 | 121172 | 7918 | 39325 | 116 | 368 | 859 | 3797 | 32398 | 93686 | 10047 | 36671 | 81 | 409 | 575 | 3652 | 13325 | 71079 | 6412 | 30422 | 76 | 305 | 730 | 3098 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2018 | Constable | 120233.51 | 608.22 | -0.08920 | 63255 | 151375 | 17548 | 44469 | 83 | 395 | 1023 | 4143 | 108914 | 113027 | 34136 | 35664 | 322 | 335 | 3421 | 3560 | 40683 | 87379 | 13926 | 34043 | 73 | 328 | 888 | 3359 | 65831 | 68743 | 26616 | 27922 | 237 | 285 | 2806 | 2929 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2017 | Constable | 132002.40 | 656.52 | 0.08440 | 35130 | 131909 | 7053 | 40798 | 39 | 382 | 256 | 4040 | 13691 | 100244 | 5843 | 31050 | 55 | 289 | 470 | 2885 | 23369 | 78517 | 5600 | 31673 | 35 | 325 | 232 | 3299 | 9471 | 62168 | 4961 | 24224 | 39 | 251 | 410 | 2402 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2016 | Constable | 121732.11 | 654.72 | -0.02850 | 48087 | 124282 | 10358 | 35684 | 62 | 331 | 531 | 3665 | 80826 | 94850 | 22735 | 28871 | 212 | 227 | 2042 | 2493 | 31219 | 74361 | 8109 | 27595 | 55 | 287 | 470 | 3049 | 49374 | 59148 | 17364 | 22642 | 133 | 202 | 1731 | 2128 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2015 | Constable | 125299.05 | 676.96 | 0.15910 | 38753 | 115736 | 8569 | 34375 | 34 | 259 | 232 | 3151 | 3939 | 89810 | 1671 | 26107 | 3 | 187 | 70 | 2213 | 25988 | 70388 | 6876 | 26916 | 31 | 226 | 214 | 2658 | 2872 | 56838 | 1461 | 20633 | 2 | 164 | 63 | 1901 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2014 | Constable | 108100.11 | 715.56 | 0.04140 | 76438 | 111510 | 19936 | 30800 | 140 | 212 | 1309 | 2778 | 31321 | 82722 | 10062 | 21731 | 42 | 175 | 676 | 1768 | 50416 | 70562 | 15872 | 24272 | 125 | 184 | 1151 | 2355 | 20924 | 53840 | 7851 | 17438 | 34 | 156 | 612 | 1526 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2013 | Constable, 1st Class | 103806.37 | 623.52 | -0.18400 | 80742 | 97944 | 21016 | 25676 | 167 | 192 | 25 | 36 | 73104 | 74097 | 16646 | 16740 | 163 | 163 | 24 | 24 | 52857 | 62824 | 16937 | 20629 | 149 | 172 | 23 | 34 | 47239 | 47910 | 13140 | 13220 | 122 | 145 | 23 | 23 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2012 | Constable, 1st Class | 127211.56 | 460.32 | 0.13870 | 27096 | 88687 | 3312 | 19919 | 18 | 191 | 1 | 37 | 3661 | 67151 | 737 | 13275 | 12 | 108 | 2 | 11 | 18741 | 56412 | 2559 | 15778 | 16 | 170 | 1 | 34 | 2540 | 43737 | 609 | 10536 | 6 | 99 | 2 | 11 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2011 | Constable, 1st Class | 111719.37 | 447.84 | 0.02450 | 47032 | 79586 | 7339 | 16580 | 33 | 114 | 3 | 11 | 31945 | 59927 | 5442 | 12256 | 31 | 79 | 2 | 6 | 31461 | 51239 | 5811 | 13255 | 31 | 105 | 3 | 11 | 20966 | 39945 | 4212 | 9913 | 21 | 76 | 2 | 6 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2010 | Constable, 1st Class | 109045.36 | 447.84 | -- | 47863 | 71571 | 8184 | 15355 | 36 | 104 | 4 | 18 | | | | | | | | | 32306 | 47067 | 6575 | 12472 | 35 | 98 | 4 | 17 | | | | | | | | | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Constable | 200645.26 | 481.44 | 0.24530 | 13089 | 300570 | 1176 | 65787 | 11 | 636 | 21 | 4611 | 5535 | 222398 | 892 | 52126 | 24 | 557 | 73 | 3920 | 8261 | 137962 | 843 | 46700 | 10 | 453 | 21 | 3645 | 2930 | 106320 | 674 | 38191 | 19 | 413 | 60 | 3160 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2022 | Constable | 161116.16 | 481.44 | 0.19460 | 27739 | 266903 | 5087 | 61020 | 36 | 604 | 221 | 4566 | 7411 | 206301 | 3319 | 46925 | 33 | 515 | 415 | 3813 | 17771 | 125187 | 3927 | 43700 | 32 | 441 | 196 | 3622 | 4699 | 100810 | 2648 | 34888 | 20 | 387 | 343 | 3075 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2021 | Constable | 134873.35 | 478.92 | 0.03660 | 49911 | 244390 | 12152 | 53835 | 107 | 582 | 657 | 4544 | 53228 | 172444 | 15547 | 45304 | 175 | 524 | 1767 | 4000 | 31785 | 117235 | 9429 | 39337 | 94 | 429 | 581 | 3601 | 30433 | 91659 | 12026 | 33882 | 134 | 402 | 1464 | 3209 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2020 | Constable | 130106.43 | 581.40 | 0.00750 | 55776 | 205606 | 13907 | 52507 | 115 | 584 | 536 | 4428 | 105416 | 142554 | 29519 | 42454 | 420 | 493 | 2177 | 3768 | 35031 | 105145 | 10673 | 38584 | 100 | 441 | 476 | 3527 | 58950 | 81613 | 21919 | 32442 | 277 | 383 | 1720 | 3037 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2019 | Constable | 129133.39 | 575.94 | 0.07400 | 49901 | 167098 | 12648 | 48313 | 91 | 524 | 648 | 4539 | 20952 | 121172 | 7918 | 39325 | 116 | 368 | 859 | 3797 | 32398 | 93686 | 10047 | 36671 | 81 | 409 | 575 | 3652 | 13325 | 71079 | 6412 | 30422 | 76 | 305 | 730 | 3098 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2018 | Constable | 120233.51 | 608.22 | -0.08920 | 63255 | 151375 | 17548 | 44469 | 83 | 395 | 1023 | 4143 | 108914 | 113027 | 34136 | 35664 | 322 | 335 | 3421 | 3560 | 40683 | 87379 | 13926 | 34043 | 73 | 328 | 888 | 3359 | 65831 | 68743 | 26616 | 27922 | 237 | 285 | 2806 | 2929 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2017 | Constable | 132002.40 | 656.52 | 0.08440 | 35130 | 131909 | 7053 | 40798 | 39 | 382 | 256 | 4040 | 13691 | 100244 | 5843 | 31050 | 55 | 289 | 470 | 2885 | 23369 | 78517 | 5600 | 31673 | 35 | 325 | 232 | 3299 | 9471 | 62168 | 4961 | 24224 | 39 | 251 | 410 | 2402 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2016 | Constable | 121732.11 | 654.72 | -0.02850 | 48087 | 124282 | 10358 | 35684 | 62 | 331 | 531 | 3665 | 80826 | 94850 | 22735 | 28871 | 212 | 227 | 2042 | 2493 | 31219 | 74361 | 8109 | 27595 | 55 | 287 | 470 | 3049 | 49374 | 59148 | 17364 | 22642 | 133 | 202 | 1731 | 2128 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2015 | Constable | 125299.05 | 676.96 | 0.15910 | 38753 | 115736 | 8569 | 34375 | 34 | 259 | 232 | 3151 | 3939 | 89810 | 1671 | 26107 | 3 | 187 | 70 | 2213 | 25988 | 70388 | 6876 | 26916 | 31 | 226 | 214 | 2658 | 2872 | 56838 | 1461 | 20633 | 2 | 164 | 63 | 1901 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2014 | Constable | 108100.11 | 715.56 | 0.04140 | 76438 | 111510 | 19936 | 30800 | 140 | 212 | 1309 | 2778 | 31321 | 82722 | 10062 | 21731 | 42 | 175 | 676 | 1768 | 50416 | 70562 | 15872 | 24272 | 125 | 184 | 1151 | 2355 | 20924 | 53840 | 7851 | 17438 | 34 | 156 | 612 | 1526 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2013 | Constable, 1st Class | 103806.37 | 623.52 | -0.18400 | 80742 | 97944 | 21016 | 25676 | 167 | 192 | 25 | 36 | 73104 | 74097 | 16646 | 16740 | 163 | 163 | 24 | 24 | 52857 | 62824 | 16937 | 20629 | 149 | 172 | 23 | 34 | 47239 | 47910 | 13140 | 13220 | 122 | 145 | 23 | 23 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2012 | Constable, 1st Class | 127211.56 | 460.32 | 0.13870 | 27096 | 88687 | 3312 | 19919 | 18 | 191 | 1 | 37 | 3661 | 67151 | 737 | 13275 | 12 | 108 | 2 | 11 | 18741 | 56412 | 2559 | 15778 | 16 | 170 | 1 | 34 | 2540 | 43737 | 609 | 10536 | 6 | 99 | 2 | 11 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2011 | Constable, 1st Class | 111719.37 | 447.84 | 0.02450 | 47032 | 79586 | 7339 | 16580 | 33 | 114 | 3 | 11 | 31945 | 59927 | 5442 | 12256 | 31 | 79 | 2 | 6 | 31461 | 51239 | 5811 | 13255 | 31 | 105 | 3 | 11 | 20966 | 39945 | 4212 | 9913 | 21 | 76 | 2 | 6 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2010 | Constable, 1st Class | 109045.36 | 447.84 | -- | 47863 | 71571 | 8184 | 15355 | 36 | 104 | 4 | 18 | | | | | | | | | 32306 | 47067 | 6575 | 12472 | 35 | 98 | 4 | 17 | | | | | | | | | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Constable | 200645.26 | 481.44 | 0.24530 | 13089 | 300570 | 1176 | 65787 | 11 | 636 | 21 | 4611 | 5535 | 222398 | 892 | 52126 | 24 | 557 | 73 | 3920 | 8261 | 137962 | 843 | 46700 | 10 | 453 | 21 | 3645 | 2930 | 106320 | 674 | 38191 | 19 | 413 | 60 | 3160 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2022 | Constable | 161116.16 | 481.44 | 0.19460 | 27739 | 266903 | 5087 | 61020 | 36 | 604 | 221 | 4566 | 7411 | 206301 | 3319 | 46925 | 33 | 515 | 415 | 3813 | 17771 | 125187 | 3927 | 43700 | 32 | 441 | 196 | 3622 | 4699 | 100810 | 2648 | 34888 | 20 | 387 | 343 | 3075 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2021 | Constable | 134873.35 | 478.92 | 0.03660 | 49911 | 244390 | 12152 | 53835 | 107 | 582 | 657 | 4544 | 53228 | 172444 | 15547 | 45304 | 175 | 524 | 1767 | 4000 | 31785 | 117235 | 9429 | 39337 | 94 | 429 | 581 | 3601 | 30433 | 91659 | 12026 | 33882 | 134 | 402 | 1464 | 3209 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2020 | Constable | 130106.43 | 581.40 | 0.00750 | 55776 | 205606 | 13907 | 52507 | 115 | 584 | 536 | 4428 | 105416 | 142554 | 29519 | 42454 | 420 | 493 | 2177 | 3768 | 35031 | 105145 | 10673 | 38584 | 100 | 441 | 476 | 3527 | 58950 | 81613 | 21919 | 32442 | 277 | 383 | 1720 | 3037 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2019 | Constable | 129133.39 | 575.94 | 0.07400 | 49901 | 167098 | 12648 | 48313 | 91 | 524 | 648 | 4539 | 20952 | 121172 | 7918 | 39325 | 116 | 368 | 859 | 3797 | 32398 | 93686 | 10047 | 36671 | 81 | 409 | 575 | 3652 | 13325 | 71079 | 6412 | 30422 | 76 | 305 | 730 | 3098 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2018 | Constable | 120233.51 | 608.22 | -0.08920 | 63255 | 151375 | 17548 | 44469 | 83 | 395 | 1023 | 4143 | 108914 | 113027 | 34136 | 35664 | 322 | 335 | 3421 | 3560 | 40683 | 87379 | 13926 | 34043 | 73 | 328 | 888 | 3359 | 65831 | 68743 | 26616 | 27922 | 237 | 285 | 2806 | 2929 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2017 | Constable | 132002.40 | 656.52 | 0.08440 | 35130 | 131909 | 7053 | 40798 | 39 | 382 | 256 | 4040 | 13691 | 100244 | 5843 | 31050 | 55 | 289 | 470 | 2885 | 23369 | 78517 | 5600 | 31673 | 35 | 325 | 232 | 3299 | 9471 | 62168 | 4961 | 24224 | 39 | 251 | 410 | 2402 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2016 | Constable | 121732.11 | 654.72 | -0.02850 | 48087 | 124282 | 10358 | 35684 | 62 | 331 | 531 | 3665 | 80826 | 94850 | 22735 | 28871 | 212 | 227 | 2042 | 2493 | 31219 | 74361 | 8109 | 27595 | 55 | 287 | 470 | 3049 | 49374 | 59148 | 17364 | 22642 | 133 | 202 | 1731 | 2128 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2015 | Constable | 125299.05 | 676.96 | 0.15910 | 38753 | 115736 | 8569 | 34375 | 34 | 259 | 232 | 3151 | 3939 | 89810 | 1671 | 26107 | 3 | 187 | 70 | 2213 | 25988 | 70388 | 6876 | 26916 | 31 | 226 | 214 | 2658 | 2872 | 56838 | 1461 | 20633 | 2 | 164 | 63 | 1901 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2014 | Constable | 108100.11 | 715.56 | 0.04140 | 76438 | 111510 | 19936 | 30800 | 140 | 212 | 1309 | 2778 | 31321 | 82722 | 10062 | 21731 | 42 | 175 | 676 | 1768 | 50416 | 70562 | 15872 | 24272 | 125 | 184 | 1151 | 2355 | 20924 | 53840 | 7851 | 17438 | 34 | 156 | 612 | 1526 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2013 | Constable, 1st Class | 103806.37 | 623.52 | -0.18400 | 80742 | 97944 | 21016 | 25676 | 167 | 192 | 25 | 36 | 73104 | 74097 | 16646 | 16740 | 163 | 163 | 24 | 24 | 52857 | 62824 | 16937 | 20629 | 149 | 172 | 23 | 34 | 47239 | 47910 | 13140 | 13220 | 122 | 145 | 23 | 23 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2012 | Constable, 1st Class | 127211.56 | 460.32 | 0.13870 | 27096 | 88687 | 3312 | 19919 | 18 | 191 | 1 | 37 | 3661 | 67151 | 737 | 13275 | 12 | 108 | 2 | 11 | 18741 | 56412 | 2559 | 15778 | 16 | 170 | 1 | 34 | 2540 | 43737 | 609 | 10536 | 6 | 99 | 2 | 11 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2011 | Constable, 1st Class | 111719.37 | 447.84 | 0.02450 | 47032 | 79586 | 7339 | 16580 | 33 | 114 | 3 | 11 | 31945 | 59927 | 5442 | 12256 | 31 | 79 | 2 | 6 | 31461 | 51239 | 5811 | 13255 | 31 | 105 | 3 | 11 | 20966 | 39945 | 4212 | 9913 | 21 | 76 | 2 | 6 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2010 | Constable, 1st Class | 109045.36 | 447.84 | -- | 47863 | 71571 | 8184 | 15355 | 36 | 104 | 4 | 18 | | | | | | | | | 32306 | 47067 | 6575 | 12472 | 35 | 98 | 4 | 17 | | | | | | | | | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Constable | 200645.26 | 481.44 | 0.24530 | 13089 | 300570 | 1176 | 65787 | 11 | 636 | 21 | 4611 | 5535 | 222398 | 892 | 52126 | 24 | 557 | 73 | 3920 | 8261 | 137962 | 843 | 46700 | 10 | 453 | 21 | 3645 | 2930 | 106320 | 674 | 38191 | 19 | 413 | 60 | 3160 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2022 | Constable | 161116.16 | 481.44 | 0.19460 | 27739 | 266903 | 5087 | 61020 | 36 | 604 | 221 | 4566 | 7411 | 206301 | 3319 | 46925 | 33 | 515 | 415 | 3813 | 17771 | 125187 | 3927 | 43700 | 32 | 441 | 196 | 3622 | 4699 | 100810 | 2648 | 34888 | 20 | 387 | 343 | 3075 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2021 | Constable | 134873.35 | 478.92 | 0.03660 | 49911 | 244390 | 12152 | 53835 | 107 | 582 | 657 | 4544 | 53228 | 172444 | 15547 | 45304 | 175 | 524 | 1767 | 4000 | 31785 | 117235 | 9429 | 39337 | 94 | 429 | 581 | 3601 | 30433 | 91659 | 12026 | 33882 | 134 | 402 | 1464 | 3209 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2020 | Constable | 130106.43 | 581.40 | 0.00750 | 55776 | 205606 | 13907 | 52507 | 115 | 584 | 536 | 4428 | 105416 | 142554 | 29519 | 42454 | 420 | 493 | 2177 | 3768 | 35031 | 105145 | 10673 | 38584 | 100 | 441 | 476 | 3527 | 58950 | 81613 | 21919 | 32442 | 277 | 383 | 1720 | 3037 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2019 | Constable | 129133.39 | 575.94 | 0.07400 | 49901 | 167098 | 12648 | 48313 | 91 | 524 | 648 | 4539 | 20952 | 121172 | 7918 | 39325 | 116 | 368 | 859 | 3797 | 32398 | 93686 | 10047 | 36671 | 81 | 409 | 575 | 3652 | 13325 | 71079 | 6412 | 30422 | 76 | 305 | 730 | 3098 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2018 | Constable | 120233.51 | 608.22 | -0.08920 | 63255 | 151375 | 17548 | 44469 | 83 | 395 | 1023 | 4143 | 108914 | 113027 | 34136 | 35664 | 322 | 335 | 3421 | 3560 | 40683 | 87379 | 13926 | 34043 | 73 | 328 | 888 | 3359 | 65831 | 68743 | 26616 | 27922 | 237 | 285 | 2806 | 2929 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2017 | Constable | 132002.40 | 656.52 | 0.08440 | 35130 | 131909 | 7053 | 40798 | 39 | 382 | 256 | 4040 | 13691 | 100244 | 5843 | 31050 | 55 | 289 | 470 | 2885 | 23369 | 78517 | 5600 | 31673 | 35 | 325 | 232 | 3299 | 9471 | 62168 | 4961 | 24224 | 39 | 251 | 410 | 2402 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2016 | Constable | 121732.11 | 654.72 | -0.02850 | 48087 | 124282 | 10358 | 35684 | 62 | 331 | 531 | 3665 | 80826 | 94850 | 22735 | 28871 | 212 | 227 | 2042 | 2493 | 31219 | 74361 | 8109 | 27595 | 55 | 287 | 470 | 3049 | 49374 | 59148 | 17364 | 22642 | 133 | 202 | 1731 | 2128 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2015 | Constable | 125299.05 | 676.96 | 0.15910 | 38753 | 115736 | 8569 | 34375 | 34 | 259 | 232 | 3151 | 3939 | 89810 | 1671 | 26107 | 3 | 187 | 70 | 2213 | 25988 | 70388 | 6876 | 26916 | 31 | 226 | 214 | 2658 | 2872 | 56838 | 1461 | 20633 | 2 | 164 | 63 | 1901 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2014 | Constable | 108100.11 | 715.56 | 0.04140 | 76438 | 111510 | 19936 | 30800 | 140 | 212 | 1309 | 2778 | 31321 | 82722 | 10062 | 21731 | 42 | 175 | 676 | 1768 | 50416 | 70562 | 15872 | 24272 | 125 | 184 | 1151 | 2355 | 20924 | 53840 | 7851 | 17438 | 34 | 156 | 612 | 1526 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable |
2013 | Constable, 1st Class | 103806.37 | 623.52 | -0.18400 | 80742 | 97944 | 21016 | 25676 | 167 | 192 | 25 | 36 | 73104 | 74097 | 16646 | 16740 | 163 | 163 | 24 | 24 | 52857 | 62824 | 16937 | 20629 | 149 | 172 | 23 | 34 | 47239 | 47910 | 13140 | 13220 | 122 | 145 | 23 | 23 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2012 | Constable, 1st Class | 127211.56 | 460.32 | 0.13870 | 27096 | 88687 | 3312 | 19919 | 18 | 191 | 1 | 37 | 3661 | 67151 | 737 | 13275 | 12 | 108 | 2 | 11 | 18741 | 56412 | 2559 | 15778 | 16 | 170 | 1 | 34 | 2540 | 43737 | 609 | 10536 | 6 | 99 | 2 | 11 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2011 | Constable, 1st Class | 111719.37 | 447.84 | 0.02450 | 47032 | 79586 | 7339 | 16580 | 33 | 114 | 3 | 11 | 31945 | 59927 | 5442 | 12256 | 31 | 79 | 2 | 6 | 31461 | 51239 | 5811 | 13255 | 31 | 105 | 3 | 11 | 20966 | 39945 | 4212 | 9913 | 21 | 76 | 2 | 6 | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
2010 | Constable, 1st Class | 109045.36 | 447.84 | -- | 47863 | 71571 | 8184 | 15355 | 36 | 104 | 4 | 18 | | | | | | | | | 32306 | 47067 | 6575 | 12472 | 35 | 98 | 4 | 17 | | | | | | | | | 208589 | 12216 | 36 | Municipalities and Services | constable-1st-class |
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POSITION: Constable
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