very high
Category: Universities
Salary Information
   Historical salary and taxable benefits from 1996 to 2023
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 456307.93 | 9965.80 | 0.12160 | 190 | 300570 | 49 | 26232 | 5 | 1661 | 2 | 16 | 30289 | 222398 | 3195 | 21153 | 112 | 1390 | 3 | 13 | 134 | 137962 | 36 | 14275 | 4 | 919 | 2 | 10 | 14652 | 106320 | 1719 | 11870 | 58 | 787 | 2 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2022 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 406837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.04360 | 304 | 266903 | 75 | 24067 | 8 | 1536 | 4 | 13 | 64936 | 206301 | 7139 | 19316 | 483 | 1316 | 4 | 12 | 214 | 125187 | 60 | 13355 | 7 | 852 | 2 | 9 | 36089 | 100810 | 3906 | 11018 | 202 | 743 | 3 | 8 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2021 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.00040 | 339 | 244390 | 76 | 23096 | 7 | 1437 | 4 | 16 | 110496 | 172444 | 16160 | 20236 | 921 | 1283 | 7 | 14 | 242 | 117235 | 61 | 13028 | 6 | 802 | 2 | 11 | 59958 | 91659 | 9249 | 11649 | 499 | 738 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2020 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389667.49 | 10372.51 | 0.11680 | 296 | 205606 | 69 | 22020 | 4 | 1425 | 2 | 15 | 13769 | 142554 | 1679 | 19085 | 110 | 1192 | 4 | 14 | 223 | 105145 | 58 | 12555 | 4 | 807 | 2 | 11 | 8114 | 81613 | 919 | 11150 | 47 | 694 | 3 | 10 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2019 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 348905.99 | 10189.27 | 0.09680 | 449 | 167098 | 121 | 20673 | 10 | 1300 | 6 | 17 | 13502 | 121172 | 2543 | 17973 | 129 | 1153 | 5 | 14 | 335 | 93686 | 103 | 12010 | 10 | 752 | 3 | 12 | 8762 | 71079 | 1402 | 10664 | 60 | 680 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2018 | Provost and Vice President Academic | 318099.26 | 10188.82 | -- | 671 | 151375 | 175 | 19601 | 20 | 1256 | 2 | 6 | | | | | | | | | 478 | 87379 | 141 | 11605 | 17 | 740 | 2 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | provost-and-vice-president-academic |
Ranking Information
   Each year's salary and raise is compared against various peer groups on the sunshine list
2023 Ranking of $456,308 in Salary
190 out of 300,570 /
100th percentile
49 out of 26,232 /
100th percentile
5 out of 1,661 /
100th percentile
2 out of 16 /
88th percentile
2023 Ranking of 12.2% Raise from 2022 to 2023
30,289 out of 222,398 /
86th percentile
3,195 out of 21,153 /
85th percentile
112 out of 1,390 /
92nd percentile
3 out of 13 /
77th percentile
Ranking information by year
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 456307.93 | 9965.80 | 0.12160 | 190 | 300570 | 49 | 26232 | 5 | 1661 | 2 | 16 | 30289 | 222398 | 3195 | 21153 | 112 | 1390 | 3 | 13 | 134 | 137962 | 36 | 14275 | 4 | 919 | 2 | 10 | 14652 | 106320 | 1719 | 11870 | 58 | 787 | 2 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2022 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 406837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.04360 | 304 | 266903 | 75 | 24067 | 8 | 1536 | 4 | 13 | 64936 | 206301 | 7139 | 19316 | 483 | 1316 | 4 | 12 | 214 | 125187 | 60 | 13355 | 7 | 852 | 2 | 9 | 36089 | 100810 | 3906 | 11018 | 202 | 743 | 3 | 8 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2021 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.00040 | 339 | 244390 | 76 | 23096 | 7 | 1437 | 4 | 16 | 110496 | 172444 | 16160 | 20236 | 921 | 1283 | 7 | 14 | 242 | 117235 | 61 | 13028 | 6 | 802 | 2 | 11 | 59958 | 91659 | 9249 | 11649 | 499 | 738 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2020 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389667.49 | 10372.51 | 0.11680 | 296 | 205606 | 69 | 22020 | 4 | 1425 | 2 | 15 | 13769 | 142554 | 1679 | 19085 | 110 | 1192 | 4 | 14 | 223 | 105145 | 58 | 12555 | 4 | 807 | 2 | 11 | 8114 | 81613 | 919 | 11150 | 47 | 694 | 3 | 10 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2019 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 348905.99 | 10189.27 | 0.09680 | 449 | 167098 | 121 | 20673 | 10 | 1300 | 6 | 17 | 13502 | 121172 | 2543 | 17973 | 129 | 1153 | 5 | 14 | 335 | 93686 | 103 | 12010 | 10 | 752 | 3 | 12 | 8762 | 71079 | 1402 | 10664 | 60 | 680 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2018 | Provost and Vice President Academic | 318099.26 | 10188.82 | -- | 671 | 151375 | 175 | 19601 | 20 | 1256 | 2 | 6 | | | | | | | | | 478 | 87379 | 141 | 11605 | 17 | 740 | 2 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | provost-and-vice-president-academic |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 456307.93 | 9965.80 | 0.12160 | 190 | 300570 | 49 | 26232 | 5 | 1661 | 2 | 16 | 30289 | 222398 | 3195 | 21153 | 112 | 1390 | 3 | 13 | 134 | 137962 | 36 | 14275 | 4 | 919 | 2 | 10 | 14652 | 106320 | 1719 | 11870 | 58 | 787 | 2 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2022 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 406837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.04360 | 304 | 266903 | 75 | 24067 | 8 | 1536 | 4 | 13 | 64936 | 206301 | 7139 | 19316 | 483 | 1316 | 4 | 12 | 214 | 125187 | 60 | 13355 | 7 | 852 | 2 | 9 | 36089 | 100810 | 3906 | 11018 | 202 | 743 | 3 | 8 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2021 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.00040 | 339 | 244390 | 76 | 23096 | 7 | 1437 | 4 | 16 | 110496 | 172444 | 16160 | 20236 | 921 | 1283 | 7 | 14 | 242 | 117235 | 61 | 13028 | 6 | 802 | 2 | 11 | 59958 | 91659 | 9249 | 11649 | 499 | 738 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2020 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389667.49 | 10372.51 | 0.11680 | 296 | 205606 | 69 | 22020 | 4 | 1425 | 2 | 15 | 13769 | 142554 | 1679 | 19085 | 110 | 1192 | 4 | 14 | 223 | 105145 | 58 | 12555 | 4 | 807 | 2 | 11 | 8114 | 81613 | 919 | 11150 | 47 | 694 | 3 | 10 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2019 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 348905.99 | 10189.27 | 0.09680 | 449 | 167098 | 121 | 20673 | 10 | 1300 | 6 | 17 | 13502 | 121172 | 2543 | 17973 | 129 | 1153 | 5 | 14 | 335 | 93686 | 103 | 12010 | 10 | 752 | 3 | 12 | 8762 | 71079 | 1402 | 10664 | 60 | 680 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2018 | Provost and Vice President Academic | 318099.26 | 10188.82 | -- | 671 | 151375 | 175 | 19601 | 20 | 1256 | 2 | 6 | | | | | | | | | 478 | 87379 | 141 | 11605 | 17 | 740 | 2 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | provost-and-vice-president-academic |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 456307.93 | 9965.80 | 0.12160 | 190 | 300570 | 49 | 26232 | 5 | 1661 | 2 | 16 | 30289 | 222398 | 3195 | 21153 | 112 | 1390 | 3 | 13 | 134 | 137962 | 36 | 14275 | 4 | 919 | 2 | 10 | 14652 | 106320 | 1719 | 11870 | 58 | 787 | 2 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2022 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 406837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.04360 | 304 | 266903 | 75 | 24067 | 8 | 1536 | 4 | 13 | 64936 | 206301 | 7139 | 19316 | 483 | 1316 | 4 | 12 | 214 | 125187 | 60 | 13355 | 7 | 852 | 2 | 9 | 36089 | 100810 | 3906 | 11018 | 202 | 743 | 3 | 8 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2021 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.00040 | 339 | 244390 | 76 | 23096 | 7 | 1437 | 4 | 16 | 110496 | 172444 | 16160 | 20236 | 921 | 1283 | 7 | 14 | 242 | 117235 | 61 | 13028 | 6 | 802 | 2 | 11 | 59958 | 91659 | 9249 | 11649 | 499 | 738 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2020 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389667.49 | 10372.51 | 0.11680 | 296 | 205606 | 69 | 22020 | 4 | 1425 | 2 | 15 | 13769 | 142554 | 1679 | 19085 | 110 | 1192 | 4 | 14 | 223 | 105145 | 58 | 12555 | 4 | 807 | 2 | 11 | 8114 | 81613 | 919 | 11150 | 47 | 694 | 3 | 10 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2019 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 348905.99 | 10189.27 | 0.09680 | 449 | 167098 | 121 | 20673 | 10 | 1300 | 6 | 17 | 13502 | 121172 | 2543 | 17973 | 129 | 1153 | 5 | 14 | 335 | 93686 | 103 | 12010 | 10 | 752 | 3 | 12 | 8762 | 71079 | 1402 | 10664 | 60 | 680 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2018 | Provost and Vice President Academic | 318099.26 | 10188.82 | -- | 671 | 151375 | 175 | 19601 | 20 | 1256 | 2 | 6 | | | | | | | | | 478 | 87379 | 141 | 11605 | 17 | 740 | 2 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | provost-and-vice-president-academic |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 456307.93 | 9965.80 | 0.12160 | 190 | 300570 | 49 | 26232 | 5 | 1661 | 2 | 16 | 30289 | 222398 | 3195 | 21153 | 112 | 1390 | 3 | 13 | 134 | 137962 | 36 | 14275 | 4 | 919 | 2 | 10 | 14652 | 106320 | 1719 | 11870 | 58 | 787 | 2 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2022 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 406837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.04360 | 304 | 266903 | 75 | 24067 | 8 | 1536 | 4 | 13 | 64936 | 206301 | 7139 | 19316 | 483 | 1316 | 4 | 12 | 214 | 125187 | 60 | 13355 | 7 | 852 | 2 | 9 | 36089 | 100810 | 3906 | 11018 | 202 | 743 | 3 | 8 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2021 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389837.46 | 9965.80 | 0.00040 | 339 | 244390 | 76 | 23096 | 7 | 1437 | 4 | 16 | 110496 | 172444 | 16160 | 20236 | 921 | 1283 | 7 | 14 | 242 | 117235 | 61 | 13028 | 6 | 802 | 2 | 11 | 59958 | 91659 | 9249 | 11649 | 499 | 738 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2020 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 389667.49 | 10372.51 | 0.11680 | 296 | 205606 | 69 | 22020 | 4 | 1425 | 2 | 15 | 13769 | 142554 | 1679 | 19085 | 110 | 1192 | 4 | 14 | 223 | 105145 | 58 | 12555 | 4 | 807 | 2 | 11 | 8114 | 81613 | 919 | 11150 | 47 | 694 | 3 | 10 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2019 | President and Vice-Chancellor | 348905.99 | 10189.27 | 0.09680 | 449 | 167098 | 121 | 20673 | 10 | 1300 | 6 | 17 | 13502 | 121172 | 2543 | 17973 | 129 | 1153 | 5 | 14 | 335 | 93686 | 103 | 12010 | 10 | 752 | 3 | 12 | 8762 | 71079 | 1402 | 10664 | 60 | 680 | 4 | 9 | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor |
2018 | Provost and Vice President Academic | 318099.26 | 10188.82 | -- | 671 | 151375 | 175 | 19601 | 20 | 1256 | 2 | 6 | | | | | | | | | 478 | 87379 | 141 | 11605 | 17 | 740 | 2 | 3 | | | | | | | | | 163195 | 10254 | 54 | Universities | provost-and-vice-president-academic |
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Since 1996, there have been no other people on the Sunshine List from this employer other than
Since 1996, there have been no other people on the Sunshine List with this position other than