very high
Category: Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation
Salary Information
   Historical salary and taxable benefits from 1996 to 2023
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 205146.32 | 8282.59 | 0.14300 | 11828 | 300570 | 1354 | 9489 | 1324 | 9310 | 13 | 218 | 21458 | 222398 | 2970 | 7826 | 2948 | 7704 | 107 | 184 | 7445 | 137962 | 1206 | 7588 | 1179 | 7433 | 13 | 213 | 10701 | 106320 | 2506 | 6415 | 2113 | 6307 | 106 | 182 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2022 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 179479.05 | 6882.82 | 0.04050 | 17381 | 266903 | 1706 | 8377 | 1657 | 8228 | 13 | 197 | 69116 | 206301 | 2897 | 7553 | 2840 | 7443 | 73 | 183 | 11159 | 125187 | 1504 | 6819 | 1459 | 6689 | 13 | 195 | 38170 | 100810 | 2369 | 6211 | 2111 | 6106 | 72 | 181 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2021 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 172494.37 | 6739.61 | 0.11400 | 18177 | 244390 | 1967 | 8520 | 1917 | 8401 | 13 | 196 | 12950 | 172444 | 1136 | 7491 | 1092 | 7424 | 23 | 174 | 11569 | 117235 | 1734 | 6973 | 1689 | 6863 | 13 | 194 | 8034 | 91659 | 943 | 6173 | 805 | 6112 | 23 | 172 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2020 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 154836.33 | 6342.80 | 0.07830 | 25789 | 205606 | 2969 | 8301 | 2936 | 8225 | 19 | 186 | 27701 | 142554 | 2824 | 7156 | 2824 | 7156 | 62 | 170 | 16458 | 105145 | 2596 | 6782 | 2567 | 6713 | 19 | 184 | 15803 | 81613 | 2339 | 5924 | 2064 | 5924 | 61 | 168 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2019 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 143593.16 | 5853.74 | 0.20660 | 30769 | 167098 | 3427 | 8043 | 3427 | 8043 | 27 | 179 | 2561 | 121172 | 329 | 7218 | 329 | 7218 | 15 | 167 | 20120 | 93686 | 3021 | 6666 | 3021 | 6666 | 27 | 176 | 1685 | 71079 | 292 | 6065 | 266 | 6065 | 15 | 164 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2018 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 119010.92 | 4617.99 | 0.01180 | 66004 | 151375 | 6006 | 7919 | 6006 | 7919 | 85 | 192 | 74205 | 113027 | 3659 | 7128 | 3659 | 7128 | 81 | 178 | 42351 | 87379 | 5120 | 6613 | 5120 | 6613 | 84 | 189 | 43638 | 68743 | 3087 | 5993 | 2798 | 5993 | 79 | 175 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2017 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 117624.89 | 5747.03 | -0.07670 | 61634 | 131909 | 6076 | 7878 | 6076 | 7878 | 97 | 198 | 94946 | 100244 | 6242 | 6951 | 6242 | 6951 | 177 | 190 | 39908 | 78517 | 5182 | 6578 | 5182 | 6578 | 96 | 193 | 58602 | 62168 | 5227 | 5851 | 4649 | 5851 | 172 | 185 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2016 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 127401.91 | 2584.70 | 0.04800 | 38604 | 124282 | 4631 | 7730 | 4631 | 7730 | 37 | 215 | 25862 | 94850 | 2650 | 6943 | 2650 | 6943 | 52 | 201 | 25350 | 74361 | 4038 | 6459 | 4038 | 6459 | 37 | 208 | 16641 | 59148 | 2279 | 5899 | 2081 | 5899 | 51 | 195 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2015 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 121569.12 | 1993.26 | 0.16510 | 45009 | 115736 | 5064 | 7632 | 5064 | 7632 | 45 | 226 | 3635 | 89810 | 520 | 6935 | 520 | 6935 | 10 | 216 | 29879 | 70388 | 4426 | 6433 | 4426 | 6433 | 45 | 220 | 2659 | 56838 | 462 | 5935 | 426 | 5935 | 10 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2014 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 104338.96 | 2108.11 | 0.03020 | 90196 | 111510 | 11110 | 12026 | 7235 | 7668 | 205 | 244 | 40481 | 82722 | 4335 | 10593 | 2202 | 7119 | 105 | 218 | 58522 | 70562 | 9612 | 10340 | 6187 | 6521 | 201 | 236 | 26617 | 53840 | 3787 | 9192 | 1768 | 6112 | 105 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2013 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 101278.11 | 1897.25 | -- | 91861 | 97944 | 11471 | 11777 | 7792 | 7958 | 231 | 248 | | | | | | | | | 59341 | 62824 | 9934 | 10186 | 6675 | 6810 | 224 | 240 | | | | | | | | | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
Ranking Information
   Each year's salary and raise is compared against various peer groups on the sunshine list
2023 Ranking of $205,146 in Salary
11,828 out of 300,570 /
96th percentile
1,354 out of 9,489 /
86th percentile
1,324 out of 9,310 /
86th percentile
13 out of 218 /
94th percentile
2023 Ranking of 14.3% Raise from 2022 to 2023
21,458 out of 222,398 /
90th percentile
2,970 out of 7,826 /
62nd percentile
2,948 out of 7,704 /
62nd percentile
107 out of 184 /
42nd percentile
Ranking information by year
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 205146.32 | 8282.59 | 0.14300 | 11828 | 300570 | 1354 | 9489 | 1324 | 9310 | 13 | 218 | 21458 | 222398 | 2970 | 7826 | 2948 | 7704 | 107 | 184 | 7445 | 137962 | 1206 | 7588 | 1179 | 7433 | 13 | 213 | 10701 | 106320 | 2506 | 6415 | 2113 | 6307 | 106 | 182 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2022 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 179479.05 | 6882.82 | 0.04050 | 17381 | 266903 | 1706 | 8377 | 1657 | 8228 | 13 | 197 | 69116 | 206301 | 2897 | 7553 | 2840 | 7443 | 73 | 183 | 11159 | 125187 | 1504 | 6819 | 1459 | 6689 | 13 | 195 | 38170 | 100810 | 2369 | 6211 | 2111 | 6106 | 72 | 181 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2021 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 172494.37 | 6739.61 | 0.11400 | 18177 | 244390 | 1967 | 8520 | 1917 | 8401 | 13 | 196 | 12950 | 172444 | 1136 | 7491 | 1092 | 7424 | 23 | 174 | 11569 | 117235 | 1734 | 6973 | 1689 | 6863 | 13 | 194 | 8034 | 91659 | 943 | 6173 | 805 | 6112 | 23 | 172 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2020 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 154836.33 | 6342.80 | 0.07830 | 25789 | 205606 | 2969 | 8301 | 2936 | 8225 | 19 | 186 | 27701 | 142554 | 2824 | 7156 | 2824 | 7156 | 62 | 170 | 16458 | 105145 | 2596 | 6782 | 2567 | 6713 | 19 | 184 | 15803 | 81613 | 2339 | 5924 | 2064 | 5924 | 61 | 168 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2019 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 143593.16 | 5853.74 | 0.20660 | 30769 | 167098 | 3427 | 8043 | 3427 | 8043 | 27 | 179 | 2561 | 121172 | 329 | 7218 | 329 | 7218 | 15 | 167 | 20120 | 93686 | 3021 | 6666 | 3021 | 6666 | 27 | 176 | 1685 | 71079 | 292 | 6065 | 266 | 6065 | 15 | 164 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2018 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 119010.92 | 4617.99 | 0.01180 | 66004 | 151375 | 6006 | 7919 | 6006 | 7919 | 85 | 192 | 74205 | 113027 | 3659 | 7128 | 3659 | 7128 | 81 | 178 | 42351 | 87379 | 5120 | 6613 | 5120 | 6613 | 84 | 189 | 43638 | 68743 | 3087 | 5993 | 2798 | 5993 | 79 | 175 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2017 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 117624.89 | 5747.03 | -0.07670 | 61634 | 131909 | 6076 | 7878 | 6076 | 7878 | 97 | 198 | 94946 | 100244 | 6242 | 6951 | 6242 | 6951 | 177 | 190 | 39908 | 78517 | 5182 | 6578 | 5182 | 6578 | 96 | 193 | 58602 | 62168 | 5227 | 5851 | 4649 | 5851 | 172 | 185 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2016 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 127401.91 | 2584.70 | 0.04800 | 38604 | 124282 | 4631 | 7730 | 4631 | 7730 | 37 | 215 | 25862 | 94850 | 2650 | 6943 | 2650 | 6943 | 52 | 201 | 25350 | 74361 | 4038 | 6459 | 4038 | 6459 | 37 | 208 | 16641 | 59148 | 2279 | 5899 | 2081 | 5899 | 51 | 195 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2015 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 121569.12 | 1993.26 | 0.16510 | 45009 | 115736 | 5064 | 7632 | 5064 | 7632 | 45 | 226 | 3635 | 89810 | 520 | 6935 | 520 | 6935 | 10 | 216 | 29879 | 70388 | 4426 | 6433 | 4426 | 6433 | 45 | 220 | 2659 | 56838 | 462 | 5935 | 426 | 5935 | 10 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2014 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 104338.96 | 2108.11 | 0.03020 | 90196 | 111510 | 11110 | 12026 | 7235 | 7668 | 205 | 244 | 40481 | 82722 | 4335 | 10593 | 2202 | 7119 | 105 | 218 | 58522 | 70562 | 9612 | 10340 | 6187 | 6521 | 201 | 236 | 26617 | 53840 | 3787 | 9192 | 1768 | 6112 | 105 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2013 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 101278.11 | 1897.25 | -- | 91861 | 97944 | 11471 | 11777 | 7792 | 7958 | 231 | 248 | | | | | | | | | 59341 | 62824 | 9934 | 10186 | 6675 | 6810 | 224 | 240 | | | | | | | | | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 205146.32 | 8282.59 | 0.14300 | 11828 | 300570 | 1354 | 9489 | 1324 | 9310 | 13 | 218 | 21458 | 222398 | 2970 | 7826 | 2948 | 7704 | 107 | 184 | 7445 | 137962 | 1206 | 7588 | 1179 | 7433 | 13 | 213 | 10701 | 106320 | 2506 | 6415 | 2113 | 6307 | 106 | 182 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2022 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 179479.05 | 6882.82 | 0.04050 | 17381 | 266903 | 1706 | 8377 | 1657 | 8228 | 13 | 197 | 69116 | 206301 | 2897 | 7553 | 2840 | 7443 | 73 | 183 | 11159 | 125187 | 1504 | 6819 | 1459 | 6689 | 13 | 195 | 38170 | 100810 | 2369 | 6211 | 2111 | 6106 | 72 | 181 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2021 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 172494.37 | 6739.61 | 0.11400 | 18177 | 244390 | 1967 | 8520 | 1917 | 8401 | 13 | 196 | 12950 | 172444 | 1136 | 7491 | 1092 | 7424 | 23 | 174 | 11569 | 117235 | 1734 | 6973 | 1689 | 6863 | 13 | 194 | 8034 | 91659 | 943 | 6173 | 805 | 6112 | 23 | 172 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2020 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 154836.33 | 6342.80 | 0.07830 | 25789 | 205606 | 2969 | 8301 | 2936 | 8225 | 19 | 186 | 27701 | 142554 | 2824 | 7156 | 2824 | 7156 | 62 | 170 | 16458 | 105145 | 2596 | 6782 | 2567 | 6713 | 19 | 184 | 15803 | 81613 | 2339 | 5924 | 2064 | 5924 | 61 | 168 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2019 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 143593.16 | 5853.74 | 0.20660 | 30769 | 167098 | 3427 | 8043 | 3427 | 8043 | 27 | 179 | 2561 | 121172 | 329 | 7218 | 329 | 7218 | 15 | 167 | 20120 | 93686 | 3021 | 6666 | 3021 | 6666 | 27 | 176 | 1685 | 71079 | 292 | 6065 | 266 | 6065 | 15 | 164 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2018 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 119010.92 | 4617.99 | 0.01180 | 66004 | 151375 | 6006 | 7919 | 6006 | 7919 | 85 | 192 | 74205 | 113027 | 3659 | 7128 | 3659 | 7128 | 81 | 178 | 42351 | 87379 | 5120 | 6613 | 5120 | 6613 | 84 | 189 | 43638 | 68743 | 3087 | 5993 | 2798 | 5993 | 79 | 175 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2017 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 117624.89 | 5747.03 | -0.07670 | 61634 | 131909 | 6076 | 7878 | 6076 | 7878 | 97 | 198 | 94946 | 100244 | 6242 | 6951 | 6242 | 6951 | 177 | 190 | 39908 | 78517 | 5182 | 6578 | 5182 | 6578 | 96 | 193 | 58602 | 62168 | 5227 | 5851 | 4649 | 5851 | 172 | 185 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2016 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 127401.91 | 2584.70 | 0.04800 | 38604 | 124282 | 4631 | 7730 | 4631 | 7730 | 37 | 215 | 25862 | 94850 | 2650 | 6943 | 2650 | 6943 | 52 | 201 | 25350 | 74361 | 4038 | 6459 | 4038 | 6459 | 37 | 208 | 16641 | 59148 | 2279 | 5899 | 2081 | 5899 | 51 | 195 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2015 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 121569.12 | 1993.26 | 0.16510 | 45009 | 115736 | 5064 | 7632 | 5064 | 7632 | 45 | 226 | 3635 | 89810 | 520 | 6935 | 520 | 6935 | 10 | 216 | 29879 | 70388 | 4426 | 6433 | 4426 | 6433 | 45 | 220 | 2659 | 56838 | 462 | 5935 | 426 | 5935 | 10 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2014 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 104338.96 | 2108.11 | 0.03020 | 90196 | 111510 | 11110 | 12026 | 7235 | 7668 | 205 | 244 | 40481 | 82722 | 4335 | 10593 | 2202 | 7119 | 105 | 218 | 58522 | 70562 | 9612 | 10340 | 6187 | 6521 | 201 | 236 | 26617 | 53840 | 3787 | 9192 | 1768 | 6112 | 105 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2013 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 101278.11 | 1897.25 | -- | 91861 | 97944 | 11471 | 11777 | 7792 | 7958 | 231 | 248 | | | | | | | | | 59341 | 62824 | 9934 | 10186 | 6675 | 6810 | 224 | 240 | | | | | | | | | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 205146.32 | 8282.59 | 0.14300 | 11828 | 300570 | 1354 | 9489 | 1324 | 9310 | 13 | 218 | 21458 | 222398 | 2970 | 7826 | 2948 | 7704 | 107 | 184 | 7445 | 137962 | 1206 | 7588 | 1179 | 7433 | 13 | 213 | 10701 | 106320 | 2506 | 6415 | 2113 | 6307 | 106 | 182 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2022 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 179479.05 | 6882.82 | 0.04050 | 17381 | 266903 | 1706 | 8377 | 1657 | 8228 | 13 | 197 | 69116 | 206301 | 2897 | 7553 | 2840 | 7443 | 73 | 183 | 11159 | 125187 | 1504 | 6819 | 1459 | 6689 | 13 | 195 | 38170 | 100810 | 2369 | 6211 | 2111 | 6106 | 72 | 181 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2021 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 172494.37 | 6739.61 | 0.11400 | 18177 | 244390 | 1967 | 8520 | 1917 | 8401 | 13 | 196 | 12950 | 172444 | 1136 | 7491 | 1092 | 7424 | 23 | 174 | 11569 | 117235 | 1734 | 6973 | 1689 | 6863 | 13 | 194 | 8034 | 91659 | 943 | 6173 | 805 | 6112 | 23 | 172 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2020 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 154836.33 | 6342.80 | 0.07830 | 25789 | 205606 | 2969 | 8301 | 2936 | 8225 | 19 | 186 | 27701 | 142554 | 2824 | 7156 | 2824 | 7156 | 62 | 170 | 16458 | 105145 | 2596 | 6782 | 2567 | 6713 | 19 | 184 | 15803 | 81613 | 2339 | 5924 | 2064 | 5924 | 61 | 168 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2019 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 143593.16 | 5853.74 | 0.20660 | 30769 | 167098 | 3427 | 8043 | 3427 | 8043 | 27 | 179 | 2561 | 121172 | 329 | 7218 | 329 | 7218 | 15 | 167 | 20120 | 93686 | 3021 | 6666 | 3021 | 6666 | 27 | 176 | 1685 | 71079 | 292 | 6065 | 266 | 6065 | 15 | 164 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2018 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 119010.92 | 4617.99 | 0.01180 | 66004 | 151375 | 6006 | 7919 | 6006 | 7919 | 85 | 192 | 74205 | 113027 | 3659 | 7128 | 3659 | 7128 | 81 | 178 | 42351 | 87379 | 5120 | 6613 | 5120 | 6613 | 84 | 189 | 43638 | 68743 | 3087 | 5993 | 2798 | 5993 | 79 | 175 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2017 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 117624.89 | 5747.03 | -0.07670 | 61634 | 131909 | 6076 | 7878 | 6076 | 7878 | 97 | 198 | 94946 | 100244 | 6242 | 6951 | 6242 | 6951 | 177 | 190 | 39908 | 78517 | 5182 | 6578 | 5182 | 6578 | 96 | 193 | 58602 | 62168 | 5227 | 5851 | 4649 | 5851 | 172 | 185 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2016 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 127401.91 | 2584.70 | 0.04800 | 38604 | 124282 | 4631 | 7730 | 4631 | 7730 | 37 | 215 | 25862 | 94850 | 2650 | 6943 | 2650 | 6943 | 52 | 201 | 25350 | 74361 | 4038 | 6459 | 4038 | 6459 | 37 | 208 | 16641 | 59148 | 2279 | 5899 | 2081 | 5899 | 51 | 195 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2015 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 121569.12 | 1993.26 | 0.16510 | 45009 | 115736 | 5064 | 7632 | 5064 | 7632 | 45 | 226 | 3635 | 89810 | 520 | 6935 | 520 | 6935 | 10 | 216 | 29879 | 70388 | 4426 | 6433 | 4426 | 6433 | 45 | 220 | 2659 | 56838 | 462 | 5935 | 426 | 5935 | 10 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2014 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 104338.96 | 2108.11 | 0.03020 | 90196 | 111510 | 11110 | 12026 | 7235 | 7668 | 205 | 244 | 40481 | 82722 | 4335 | 10593 | 2202 | 7119 | 105 | 218 | 58522 | 70562 | 9612 | 10340 | 6187 | 6521 | 201 | 236 | 26617 | 53840 | 3787 | 9192 | 1768 | 6112 | 105 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2013 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 101278.11 | 1897.25 | -- | 91861 | 97944 | 11471 | 11777 | 7792 | 7958 | 231 | 248 | | | | | | | | | 59341 | 62824 | 9934 | 10186 | 6675 | 6810 | 224 | 240 | | | | | | | | | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2023 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 205146.32 | 8282.59 | 0.14300 | 11828 | 300570 | 1354 | 9489 | 1324 | 9310 | 13 | 218 | 21458 | 222398 | 2970 | 7826 | 2948 | 7704 | 107 | 184 | 7445 | 137962 | 1206 | 7588 | 1179 | 7433 | 13 | 213 | 10701 | 106320 | 2506 | 6415 | 2113 | 6307 | 106 | 182 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2022 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 179479.05 | 6882.82 | 0.04050 | 17381 | 266903 | 1706 | 8377 | 1657 | 8228 | 13 | 197 | 69116 | 206301 | 2897 | 7553 | 2840 | 7443 | 73 | 183 | 11159 | 125187 | 1504 | 6819 | 1459 | 6689 | 13 | 195 | 38170 | 100810 | 2369 | 6211 | 2111 | 6106 | 72 | 181 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2021 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 172494.37 | 6739.61 | 0.11400 | 18177 | 244390 | 1967 | 8520 | 1917 | 8401 | 13 | 196 | 12950 | 172444 | 1136 | 7491 | 1092 | 7424 | 23 | 174 | 11569 | 117235 | 1734 | 6973 | 1689 | 6863 | 13 | 194 | 8034 | 91659 | 943 | 6173 | 805 | 6112 | 23 | 172 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2020 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 154836.33 | 6342.80 | 0.07830 | 25789 | 205606 | 2969 | 8301 | 2936 | 8225 | 19 | 186 | 27701 | 142554 | 2824 | 7156 | 2824 | 7156 | 62 | 170 | 16458 | 105145 | 2596 | 6782 | 2567 | 6713 | 19 | 184 | 15803 | 81613 | 2339 | 5924 | 2064 | 5924 | 61 | 168 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2019 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 143593.16 | 5853.74 | 0.20660 | 30769 | 167098 | 3427 | 8043 | 3427 | 8043 | 27 | 179 | 2561 | 121172 | 329 | 7218 | 329 | 7218 | 15 | 167 | 20120 | 93686 | 3021 | 6666 | 3021 | 6666 | 27 | 176 | 1685 | 71079 | 292 | 6065 | 266 | 6065 | 15 | 164 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2018 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 119010.92 | 4617.99 | 0.01180 | 66004 | 151375 | 6006 | 7919 | 6006 | 7919 | 85 | 192 | 74205 | 113027 | 3659 | 7128 | 3659 | 7128 | 81 | 178 | 42351 | 87379 | 5120 | 6613 | 5120 | 6613 | 84 | 189 | 43638 | 68743 | 3087 | 5993 | 2798 | 5993 | 79 | 175 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2017 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 117624.89 | 5747.03 | -0.07670 | 61634 | 131909 | 6076 | 7878 | 6076 | 7878 | 97 | 198 | 94946 | 100244 | 6242 | 6951 | 6242 | 6951 | 177 | 190 | 39908 | 78517 | 5182 | 6578 | 5182 | 6578 | 96 | 193 | 58602 | 62168 | 5227 | 5851 | 4649 | 5851 | 172 | 185 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2016 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 127401.91 | 2584.70 | 0.04800 | 38604 | 124282 | 4631 | 7730 | 4631 | 7730 | 37 | 215 | 25862 | 94850 | 2650 | 6943 | 2650 | 6943 | 52 | 201 | 25350 | 74361 | 4038 | 6459 | 4038 | 6459 | 37 | 208 | 16641 | 59148 | 2279 | 5899 | 2081 | 5899 | 51 | 195 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2015 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 121569.12 | 1993.26 | 0.16510 | 45009 | 115736 | 5064 | 7632 | 5064 | 7632 | 45 | 226 | 3635 | 89810 | 520 | 6935 | 520 | 6935 | 10 | 216 | 29879 | 70388 | 4426 | 6433 | 4426 | 6433 | 45 | 220 | 2659 | 56838 | 462 | 5935 | 426 | 5935 | 10 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2014 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 104338.96 | 2108.11 | 0.03020 | 90196 | 111510 | 11110 | 12026 | 7235 | 7668 | 205 | 244 | 40481 | 82722 | 4335 | 10593 | 2202 | 7119 | 105 | 218 | 58522 | 70562 | 9612 | 10340 | 6187 | 6521 | 201 | 236 | 26617 | 53840 | 3787 | 9192 | 1768 | 6112 | 105 | 210 | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
2013 | Mechanical Technician / Technologist | 101278.11 | 1897.25 | -- | 91861 | 97944 | 11471 | 11777 | 7792 | 7958 | 231 | 248 | | | | | | | | | 59341 | 62824 | 9934 | 10186 | 6675 | 6810 | 224 | 240 | | | | | | | | | 180785 | 12455 | 34 | Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation | mechanical-technician-technologist |
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Since 1996, there have been no other people on the Sunshine List with this position other than