very high
Category: Universities
Salary Information
   Historical salary and taxable benefits from 1996 to 2023
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2019 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 364240.07 | 2273.66 | -0.00580 | 359 | 167098 | 97 | 20673 | 2 | 651 | 1 | 1 | 98859 | 121172 | 15289 | 17973 | 477 | 579 | 1 | 1 | 276 | 93686 | 83 | 12010 | 2 | 383 | 1 | 1 | 56879 | 71079 | 9022 | 10664 | 259 | 350 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2018 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 366375.04 | 13565.80 | -0.01580 | 310 | 151375 | 78 | 19601 | 1 | 648 | 1 | 1 | 95038 | 113027 | 15150 | 17047 | 467 | 556 | 1 | 1 | 239 | 87379 | 64 | 11605 | 1 | 389 | 1 | 1 | 55874 | 68743 | 9129 | 10288 | 250 | 340 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2017 | President | 372275.04 | 29400.16 | 0.11930 | 284 | 131909 | 67 | 18616 | 1 | 609 | 12 | 55 | 8071 | 100244 | 1181 | 16323 | 78 | 534 | 7 | 46 | 221 | 78517 | 58 | 11166 | 1 | 373 | 11 | 34 | 5828 | 62168 | 700 | 9976 | 42 | 334 | 5 | 30 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2016 | President | 332606.18 | 28279.40 | 0.04920 | 472 | 124282 | 113 | 17948 | 1 | 573 | 15 | 51 | 25238 | 94850 | 5999 | 15119 | 120 | 506 | 10 | 45 | 345 | 74361 | 90 | 10916 | 1 | 362 | 12 | 36 | 16269 | 59148 | 3565 | 9367 | 63 | 321 | 8 | 32 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2015 | President | 317000.00 | 38859.55 | 0.00000 | 583 | 115736 | 122 | 17064 | 1 | 546 | 19 | 42 | 59379 | 89810 | 11738 | 15105 | 392 | 484 | 19 | 34 | 420 | 70388 | 101 | 10498 | 1 | 346 | 13 | 32 | 36722 | 56838 | 7306 | 9439 | 222 | 311 | 13 | 26 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2014 | President | 317000.00 | 25944.60 | 0.00000 | 675 | 111510 | 105 | 16375 | 1 | 522 | 18 | 51 | 60863 | 82722 | 11836 | 14453 | 399 | 475 | 23 | 42 | 466 | 70562 | 86 | 10173 | 1 | 331 | 15 | 40 | 38883 | 53840 | 7477 | 9164 | 241 | 304 | 18 | 33 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2013 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 37936.20 | 0.00000 | 511 | 97944 | 91 | 15650 | 1 | 509 | 1 | 1 | 49875 | 74097 | 10463 | 12660 | 385 | 454 | 1 | 1 | 369 | 62824 | 72 | 9811 | 1 | 323 | 1 | 1 | 32202 | 47910 | 6703 | 8124 | 222 | 292 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2012 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 30760.37 | 0.00000 | 694 | 88687 | 85 | 14716 | 1 | 485 | 1 | 1 | 50408 | 67151 | 10490 | 12653 | 367 | 429 | 1 | 1 | 471 | 56412 | 70 | 9368 | 1 | 311 | 1 | 1 | 32126 | 43737 | 6821 | 8275 | 221 | 286 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2011 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24876.17 | 0.00000 | 428 | 79586 | 70 | 13820 | 1 | 477 | 1 | 1 | 43625 | 59927 | 9915 | 11934 | 338 | 396 | 1 | 1 | 315 | 51239 | 56 | 8983 | 1 | 313 | 1 | 1 | 28600 | 39945 | 6585 | 7956 | 196 | 267 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2010 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 25704.30 | 0.00000 | 410 | 71571 | 58 | 12853 | 1 | 424 | 1 | 1 | 37200 | 52975 | 9034 | 10948 | 303 | 346 | 1 | 1 | 296 | 47067 | 46 | 8512 | 1 | 287 | 1 | 1 | 24326 | 35241 | 6157 | 7427 | 176 | 239 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2009 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24375.11 | -- | 411 | 64132 | 51 | 11908 | 1 | 386 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 292 | 42354 | 39 | 8024 | 1 | 265 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
Ranking Information
   Each year's salary and raise is compared against various peer groups on the sunshine list
2019 Ranking of $364,240 in Salary
359 out of 167,098 /
100th percentile
97 out of 20,673 /
100th percentile
2 out of 651 /
100th percentile
1 out of 1 /
100th percentile
2019 Ranking of -0.6% Raise from 2018 to 2019
98,859 out of 121,172 /
18th percentile
15,289 out of 17,973 /
15th percentile
477 out of 579 /
18th percentile
1 out of 1 /
100th percentile
Ranking information by year
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2019 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 364240.07 | 2273.66 | -0.00580 | 359 | 167098 | 97 | 20673 | 2 | 651 | 1 | 1 | 98859 | 121172 | 15289 | 17973 | 477 | 579 | 1 | 1 | 276 | 93686 | 83 | 12010 | 2 | 383 | 1 | 1 | 56879 | 71079 | 9022 | 10664 | 259 | 350 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2018 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 366375.04 | 13565.80 | -0.01580 | 310 | 151375 | 78 | 19601 | 1 | 648 | 1 | 1 | 95038 | 113027 | 15150 | 17047 | 467 | 556 | 1 | 1 | 239 | 87379 | 64 | 11605 | 1 | 389 | 1 | 1 | 55874 | 68743 | 9129 | 10288 | 250 | 340 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2017 | President | 372275.04 | 29400.16 | 0.11930 | 284 | 131909 | 67 | 18616 | 1 | 609 | 12 | 55 | 8071 | 100244 | 1181 | 16323 | 78 | 534 | 7 | 46 | 221 | 78517 | 58 | 11166 | 1 | 373 | 11 | 34 | 5828 | 62168 | 700 | 9976 | 42 | 334 | 5 | 30 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2016 | President | 332606.18 | 28279.40 | 0.04920 | 472 | 124282 | 113 | 17948 | 1 | 573 | 15 | 51 | 25238 | 94850 | 5999 | 15119 | 120 | 506 | 10 | 45 | 345 | 74361 | 90 | 10916 | 1 | 362 | 12 | 36 | 16269 | 59148 | 3565 | 9367 | 63 | 321 | 8 | 32 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2015 | President | 317000.00 | 38859.55 | 0.00000 | 583 | 115736 | 122 | 17064 | 1 | 546 | 19 | 42 | 59379 | 89810 | 11738 | 15105 | 392 | 484 | 19 | 34 | 420 | 70388 | 101 | 10498 | 1 | 346 | 13 | 32 | 36722 | 56838 | 7306 | 9439 | 222 | 311 | 13 | 26 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2014 | President | 317000.00 | 25944.60 | 0.00000 | 675 | 111510 | 105 | 16375 | 1 | 522 | 18 | 51 | 60863 | 82722 | 11836 | 14453 | 399 | 475 | 23 | 42 | 466 | 70562 | 86 | 10173 | 1 | 331 | 15 | 40 | 38883 | 53840 | 7477 | 9164 | 241 | 304 | 18 | 33 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2013 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 37936.20 | 0.00000 | 511 | 97944 | 91 | 15650 | 1 | 509 | 1 | 1 | 49875 | 74097 | 10463 | 12660 | 385 | 454 | 1 | 1 | 369 | 62824 | 72 | 9811 | 1 | 323 | 1 | 1 | 32202 | 47910 | 6703 | 8124 | 222 | 292 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2012 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 30760.37 | 0.00000 | 694 | 88687 | 85 | 14716 | 1 | 485 | 1 | 1 | 50408 | 67151 | 10490 | 12653 | 367 | 429 | 1 | 1 | 471 | 56412 | 70 | 9368 | 1 | 311 | 1 | 1 | 32126 | 43737 | 6821 | 8275 | 221 | 286 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2011 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24876.17 | 0.00000 | 428 | 79586 | 70 | 13820 | 1 | 477 | 1 | 1 | 43625 | 59927 | 9915 | 11934 | 338 | 396 | 1 | 1 | 315 | 51239 | 56 | 8983 | 1 | 313 | 1 | 1 | 28600 | 39945 | 6585 | 7956 | 196 | 267 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2010 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 25704.30 | 0.00000 | 410 | 71571 | 58 | 12853 | 1 | 424 | 1 | 1 | 37200 | 52975 | 9034 | 10948 | 303 | 346 | 1 | 1 | 296 | 47067 | 46 | 8512 | 1 | 287 | 1 | 1 | 24326 | 35241 | 6157 | 7427 | 176 | 239 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2009 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24375.11 | -- | 411 | 64132 | 51 | 11908 | 1 | 386 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 292 | 42354 | 39 | 8024 | 1 | 265 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2019 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 364240.07 | 2273.66 | -0.00580 | 359 | 167098 | 97 | 20673 | 2 | 651 | 1 | 1 | 98859 | 121172 | 15289 | 17973 | 477 | 579 | 1 | 1 | 276 | 93686 | 83 | 12010 | 2 | 383 | 1 | 1 | 56879 | 71079 | 9022 | 10664 | 259 | 350 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2018 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 366375.04 | 13565.80 | -0.01580 | 310 | 151375 | 78 | 19601 | 1 | 648 | 1 | 1 | 95038 | 113027 | 15150 | 17047 | 467 | 556 | 1 | 1 | 239 | 87379 | 64 | 11605 | 1 | 389 | 1 | 1 | 55874 | 68743 | 9129 | 10288 | 250 | 340 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2017 | President | 372275.04 | 29400.16 | 0.11930 | 284 | 131909 | 67 | 18616 | 1 | 609 | 12 | 55 | 8071 | 100244 | 1181 | 16323 | 78 | 534 | 7 | 46 | 221 | 78517 | 58 | 11166 | 1 | 373 | 11 | 34 | 5828 | 62168 | 700 | 9976 | 42 | 334 | 5 | 30 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2016 | President | 332606.18 | 28279.40 | 0.04920 | 472 | 124282 | 113 | 17948 | 1 | 573 | 15 | 51 | 25238 | 94850 | 5999 | 15119 | 120 | 506 | 10 | 45 | 345 | 74361 | 90 | 10916 | 1 | 362 | 12 | 36 | 16269 | 59148 | 3565 | 9367 | 63 | 321 | 8 | 32 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2015 | President | 317000.00 | 38859.55 | 0.00000 | 583 | 115736 | 122 | 17064 | 1 | 546 | 19 | 42 | 59379 | 89810 | 11738 | 15105 | 392 | 484 | 19 | 34 | 420 | 70388 | 101 | 10498 | 1 | 346 | 13 | 32 | 36722 | 56838 | 7306 | 9439 | 222 | 311 | 13 | 26 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2014 | President | 317000.00 | 25944.60 | 0.00000 | 675 | 111510 | 105 | 16375 | 1 | 522 | 18 | 51 | 60863 | 82722 | 11836 | 14453 | 399 | 475 | 23 | 42 | 466 | 70562 | 86 | 10173 | 1 | 331 | 15 | 40 | 38883 | 53840 | 7477 | 9164 | 241 | 304 | 18 | 33 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2013 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 37936.20 | 0.00000 | 511 | 97944 | 91 | 15650 | 1 | 509 | 1 | 1 | 49875 | 74097 | 10463 | 12660 | 385 | 454 | 1 | 1 | 369 | 62824 | 72 | 9811 | 1 | 323 | 1 | 1 | 32202 | 47910 | 6703 | 8124 | 222 | 292 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2012 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 30760.37 | 0.00000 | 694 | 88687 | 85 | 14716 | 1 | 485 | 1 | 1 | 50408 | 67151 | 10490 | 12653 | 367 | 429 | 1 | 1 | 471 | 56412 | 70 | 9368 | 1 | 311 | 1 | 1 | 32126 | 43737 | 6821 | 8275 | 221 | 286 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2011 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24876.17 | 0.00000 | 428 | 79586 | 70 | 13820 | 1 | 477 | 1 | 1 | 43625 | 59927 | 9915 | 11934 | 338 | 396 | 1 | 1 | 315 | 51239 | 56 | 8983 | 1 | 313 | 1 | 1 | 28600 | 39945 | 6585 | 7956 | 196 | 267 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2010 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 25704.30 | 0.00000 | 410 | 71571 | 58 | 12853 | 1 | 424 | 1 | 1 | 37200 | 52975 | 9034 | 10948 | 303 | 346 | 1 | 1 | 296 | 47067 | 46 | 8512 | 1 | 287 | 1 | 1 | 24326 | 35241 | 6157 | 7427 | 176 | 239 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2009 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24375.11 | -- | 411 | 64132 | 51 | 11908 | 1 | 386 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 292 | 42354 | 39 | 8024 | 1 | 265 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2019 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 364240.07 | 2273.66 | -0.00580 | 359 | 167098 | 97 | 20673 | 2 | 651 | 1 | 1 | 98859 | 121172 | 15289 | 17973 | 477 | 579 | 1 | 1 | 276 | 93686 | 83 | 12010 | 2 | 383 | 1 | 1 | 56879 | 71079 | 9022 | 10664 | 259 | 350 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2018 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 366375.04 | 13565.80 | -0.01580 | 310 | 151375 | 78 | 19601 | 1 | 648 | 1 | 1 | 95038 | 113027 | 15150 | 17047 | 467 | 556 | 1 | 1 | 239 | 87379 | 64 | 11605 | 1 | 389 | 1 | 1 | 55874 | 68743 | 9129 | 10288 | 250 | 340 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2017 | President | 372275.04 | 29400.16 | 0.11930 | 284 | 131909 | 67 | 18616 | 1 | 609 | 12 | 55 | 8071 | 100244 | 1181 | 16323 | 78 | 534 | 7 | 46 | 221 | 78517 | 58 | 11166 | 1 | 373 | 11 | 34 | 5828 | 62168 | 700 | 9976 | 42 | 334 | 5 | 30 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2016 | President | 332606.18 | 28279.40 | 0.04920 | 472 | 124282 | 113 | 17948 | 1 | 573 | 15 | 51 | 25238 | 94850 | 5999 | 15119 | 120 | 506 | 10 | 45 | 345 | 74361 | 90 | 10916 | 1 | 362 | 12 | 36 | 16269 | 59148 | 3565 | 9367 | 63 | 321 | 8 | 32 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2015 | President | 317000.00 | 38859.55 | 0.00000 | 583 | 115736 | 122 | 17064 | 1 | 546 | 19 | 42 | 59379 | 89810 | 11738 | 15105 | 392 | 484 | 19 | 34 | 420 | 70388 | 101 | 10498 | 1 | 346 | 13 | 32 | 36722 | 56838 | 7306 | 9439 | 222 | 311 | 13 | 26 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2014 | President | 317000.00 | 25944.60 | 0.00000 | 675 | 111510 | 105 | 16375 | 1 | 522 | 18 | 51 | 60863 | 82722 | 11836 | 14453 | 399 | 475 | 23 | 42 | 466 | 70562 | 86 | 10173 | 1 | 331 | 15 | 40 | 38883 | 53840 | 7477 | 9164 | 241 | 304 | 18 | 33 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2013 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 37936.20 | 0.00000 | 511 | 97944 | 91 | 15650 | 1 | 509 | 1 | 1 | 49875 | 74097 | 10463 | 12660 | 385 | 454 | 1 | 1 | 369 | 62824 | 72 | 9811 | 1 | 323 | 1 | 1 | 32202 | 47910 | 6703 | 8124 | 222 | 292 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2012 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 30760.37 | 0.00000 | 694 | 88687 | 85 | 14716 | 1 | 485 | 1 | 1 | 50408 | 67151 | 10490 | 12653 | 367 | 429 | 1 | 1 | 471 | 56412 | 70 | 9368 | 1 | 311 | 1 | 1 | 32126 | 43737 | 6821 | 8275 | 221 | 286 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2011 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24876.17 | 0.00000 | 428 | 79586 | 70 | 13820 | 1 | 477 | 1 | 1 | 43625 | 59927 | 9915 | 11934 | 338 | 396 | 1 | 1 | 315 | 51239 | 56 | 8983 | 1 | 313 | 1 | 1 | 28600 | 39945 | 6585 | 7956 | 196 | 267 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2010 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 25704.30 | 0.00000 | 410 | 71571 | 58 | 12853 | 1 | 424 | 1 | 1 | 37200 | 52975 | 9034 | 10948 | 303 | 346 | 1 | 1 | 296 | 47067 | 46 | 8512 | 1 | 287 | 1 | 1 | 24326 | 35241 | 6157 | 7427 | 176 | 239 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2009 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24375.11 | -- | 411 | 64132 | 51 | 11908 | 1 | 386 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 292 | 42354 | 39 | 8024 | 1 | 265 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
YEAR | POSITION | SALARY | BENEFITS | RAISE | SalaryTotalRank | SalaryTotalOutOf | SalaryCategoryRank | SalaryCategoryOutOf | SalaryEmployerRank | SalaryEmployerOutOf | SalaryPositionRank | SalaryPositionOutOf | RaiseTotalRank | RaiseTotalOutOf | RaiseCategoryRank | RaiseCategoryOutOf | RaiseEmployerRank | RaiseEmployerOutOf | RaisePositionRank | RaisePositionOutOf | SalaryGenderTotalRank | SalaryGenderTotalOutOf | SalaryGenderCategoryRank | SalaryGenderCategoryOutOf | SalaryGenderEmployerRank | SalaryGenderEmployerOutOf | SalaryGenderPositionRank | SalaryGenderPositionOutOf | RaiseGenderTotalRank | RaiseGenderTotalOutOf | RaiseGenderCategoryRank | RaiseGenderCategoryOutOf | RaiseGenderEmployerRank | RaiseGenderEmployerOutOf | RaiseGenderPositionRank | RaiseGenderPositionOutOf | MostRecentPositionId | EmployerId | CategoryId | CATEGORY | POSITION_URL |
2019 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 364240.07 | 2273.66 | -0.00580 | 359 | 167098 | 97 | 20673 | 2 | 651 | 1 | 1 | 98859 | 121172 | 15289 | 17973 | 477 | 579 | 1 | 1 | 276 | 93686 | 83 | 12010 | 2 | 383 | 1 | 1 | 56879 | 71079 | 9022 | 10664 | 259 | 350 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2018 | President and Vice Chancellor Emeritus | 366375.04 | 13565.80 | -0.01580 | 310 | 151375 | 78 | 19601 | 1 | 648 | 1 | 1 | 95038 | 113027 | 15150 | 17047 | 467 | 556 | 1 | 1 | 239 | 87379 | 64 | 11605 | 1 | 389 | 1 | 1 | 55874 | 68743 | 9129 | 10288 | 250 | 340 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-and-vice-chancellor-emeritus |
2017 | President | 372275.04 | 29400.16 | 0.11930 | 284 | 131909 | 67 | 18616 | 1 | 609 | 12 | 55 | 8071 | 100244 | 1181 | 16323 | 78 | 534 | 7 | 46 | 221 | 78517 | 58 | 11166 | 1 | 373 | 11 | 34 | 5828 | 62168 | 700 | 9976 | 42 | 334 | 5 | 30 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2016 | President | 332606.18 | 28279.40 | 0.04920 | 472 | 124282 | 113 | 17948 | 1 | 573 | 15 | 51 | 25238 | 94850 | 5999 | 15119 | 120 | 506 | 10 | 45 | 345 | 74361 | 90 | 10916 | 1 | 362 | 12 | 36 | 16269 | 59148 | 3565 | 9367 | 63 | 321 | 8 | 32 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2015 | President | 317000.00 | 38859.55 | 0.00000 | 583 | 115736 | 122 | 17064 | 1 | 546 | 19 | 42 | 59379 | 89810 | 11738 | 15105 | 392 | 484 | 19 | 34 | 420 | 70388 | 101 | 10498 | 1 | 346 | 13 | 32 | 36722 | 56838 | 7306 | 9439 | 222 | 311 | 13 | 26 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2014 | President | 317000.00 | 25944.60 | 0.00000 | 675 | 111510 | 105 | 16375 | 1 | 522 | 18 | 51 | 60863 | 82722 | 11836 | 14453 | 399 | 475 | 23 | 42 | 466 | 70562 | 86 | 10173 | 1 | 331 | 15 | 40 | 38883 | 53840 | 7477 | 9164 | 241 | 304 | 18 | 33 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president |
2013 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 37936.20 | 0.00000 | 511 | 97944 | 91 | 15650 | 1 | 509 | 1 | 1 | 49875 | 74097 | 10463 | 12660 | 385 | 454 | 1 | 1 | 369 | 62824 | 72 | 9811 | 1 | 323 | 1 | 1 | 32202 | 47910 | 6703 | 8124 | 222 | 292 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2012 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 30760.37 | 0.00000 | 694 | 88687 | 85 | 14716 | 1 | 485 | 1 | 1 | 50408 | 67151 | 10490 | 12653 | 367 | 429 | 1 | 1 | 471 | 56412 | 70 | 9368 | 1 | 311 | 1 | 1 | 32126 | 43737 | 6821 | 8275 | 221 | 286 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2011 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24876.17 | 0.00000 | 428 | 79586 | 70 | 13820 | 1 | 477 | 1 | 1 | 43625 | 59927 | 9915 | 11934 | 338 | 396 | 1 | 1 | 315 | 51239 | 56 | 8983 | 1 | 313 | 1 | 1 | 28600 | 39945 | 6585 | 7956 | 196 | 267 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2010 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 25704.30 | 0.00000 | 410 | 71571 | 58 | 12853 | 1 | 424 | 1 | 1 | 37200 | 52975 | 9034 | 10948 | 303 | 346 | 1 | 1 | 296 | 47067 | 46 | 8512 | 1 | 287 | 1 | 1 | 24326 | 35241 | 6157 | 7427 | 176 | 239 | 1 | 1 | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
2009 | President; Professor | 316999.92 | 24375.11 | -- | 411 | 64132 | 51 | 11908 | 1 | 386 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 292 | 42354 | 39 | 8024 | 1 | 265 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 163194 | 10488 | 54 | Universities | president-professor |
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