Ontario Hydro
Total Records: 2,670 (0 in 2023)
Years on List: 1996-1998
Employer Analysis by Year
Year | Count | CountIncrease | AverageSalary | TotalSalary | TotalSalaryIncrease | TotalBenefits | AverageRaise | AveragePositiveRaise | AverageNegativeRaise | CommonRecords | ProportionWithPositiveRaise | ProportionWithNegativeRaise | CommonRecordsPositiveRaise | CommonRecordsZeroRaise | CommonRecordsNegativeRaise | ProportionFemale | CountFemale | AverageSalaryFemale | AverageRaiseFemale | CountMale | AverageSalaryMale | AverageRaiseMale | CountUnknown |
Total | 2670 | -- | 117783.57 | 314482129.19 | -- | 15149432.77 | 0.0492 | 0.1027 | -0.0616 | 439 | 0.674 | 0.326 | 296 | 0 | 143 | 0.033576642335766 | 23 | 114644.80 | -- | 662 | 113838.51 | -0.0485 | 1985 |
1998 | 1412 | 0.813 | 118034.33 | 166664469.00 | 0.833 | 12118542.00 | 0.0286 | 0.0860 | -0.0684 | 245 | 0.629 | 0.371 | 154 | 0 | 91 | 0.023166023166023 | 12 | 109951.08 | -- | 506 | 112372.01 | -- | 894 |
1997 | 779 | 0.626 | 116704.41 | 90912733.19 | 0.598 | 1114990.77 | 0.0751 | 0.1208 | -0.0496 | 194 | 0.732 | 0.268 | 142 | 0 | 52 | 0.066666666666666 | 11 | 119765.21 | -- | 154 | 118654.96 | -0.0485 | 614 |
1996 | 479 | -- | 118799.43 | 56904927.00 | -- | 1915900.00 | -- | -- | -- | 0 | -- | -- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.000000000000000 | 0 | -- | -- | 2 | 113997.50 | -- | 477 |
Year | Count | CountIncrease | AverageSalary | TotalSalary | TotalSalaryIncrease | TotalBenefits | AverageRaise | AveragePositiveRaise | AverageNegativeRaise | CommonRecords | ProportionWithPositiveRaise | ProportionWithNegativeRaise | CommonRecordsPositiveRaise | CommonRecordsZeroRaise | CommonRecordsNegativeRaise | ProportionFemale | CountFemale | AverageSalaryFemale | AverageRaiseFemale | CountMale | AverageSalaryMale | AverageRaiseMale | CountUnknown |
Total | 2670 | -- | 117783.57 | 314482129.19 | -- | 15149432.77 | 0.0492 | 0.1027 | -0.0616 | 439 | 0.674 | 0.326 | 296 | 0 | 143 | 0.033576642335766 | 23 | 114644.80 | -- | 662 | 113838.51 | -0.0485 | 1985 |
1998 | 1412 | 0.813 | 118034.33 | 166664469.00 | 0.833 | 12118542.00 | 0.0286 | 0.0860 | -0.0684 | 245 | 0.629 | 0.371 | 154 | 0 | 91 | 0.023166023166023 | 12 | 109951.08 | -- | 506 | 112372.01 | -- | 894 |
1997 | 779 | 0.626 | 116704.41 | 90912733.19 | 0.598 | 1114990.77 | 0.0751 | 0.1208 | -0.0496 | 194 | 0.732 | 0.268 | 142 | 0 | 52 | 0.066666666666666 | 11 | 119765.21 | -- | 154 | 118654.96 | -0.0485 | 614 |
1996 | 479 | -- | 118799.43 | 56904927.00 | -- | 1915900.00 | -- | -- | -- | 0 | -- | -- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.000000000000000 | 0 | -- | -- | 2 | 113997.50 | -- | 477 |
Year | Count | CountIncrease | AverageSalary | TotalSalary | TotalSalaryIncrease | TotalBenefits | AverageRaise | AveragePositiveRaise | AverageNegativeRaise | CommonRecords | ProportionWithPositiveRaise | ProportionWithNegativeRaise | CommonRecordsPositiveRaise | CommonRecordsZeroRaise | CommonRecordsNegativeRaise | ProportionFemale | CountFemale | AverageSalaryFemale | AverageRaiseFemale | CountMale | AverageSalaryMale | AverageRaiseMale | CountUnknown |
Total | 2670 | -- | 117783.57 | 314482129.19 | -- | 15149432.77 | 0.0492 | 0.1027 | -0.0616 | 439 | 0.674 | 0.326 | 296 | 0 | 143 | 0.033576642335766 | 23 | 114644.80 | -- | 662 | 113838.51 | -0.0485 | 1985 |
1998 | 1412 | 0.813 | 118034.33 | 166664469.00 | 0.833 | 12118542.00 | 0.0286 | 0.0860 | -0.0684 | 245 | 0.629 | 0.371 | 154 | 0 | 91 | 0.023166023166023 | 12 | 109951.08 | -- | 506 | 112372.01 | -- | 894 |
1997 | 779 | 0.626 | 116704.41 | 90912733.19 | 0.598 | 1114990.77 | 0.0751 | 0.1208 | -0.0496 | 194 | 0.732 | 0.268 | 142 | 0 | 52 | 0.066666666666666 | 11 | 119765.21 | -- | 154 | 118654.96 | -0.0485 | 614 |
1996 | 479 | -- | 118799.43 | 56904927.00 | -- | 1915900.00 | -- | -- | -- | 0 | -- | -- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.000000000000000 | 0 | -- | -- | 2 | 113997.50 | -- | 477 |
Most Common Positions for this Employer in
Top Earners
with this Employer
since 1996
In Salary from this Employer
since 1996
Increases cannot be calculated because
there are no people belonging to this employer that appeared in consecutive years on the sunshine list.