Indigenous Affairs / Affaires autochtones
Total Records: 69 (69 in 2023)
Years on List: 2023
Category: Government of Ontario - Ministries
Employer Analysis by Year
Year | Count | CountIncrease | AverageSalary | TotalSalary | TotalSalaryIncrease | TotalBenefits | AverageRaise | AveragePositiveRaise | AverageNegativeRaise | CommonRecords | ProportionWithPositiveRaise | ProportionWithNegativeRaise | CommonRecordsPositiveRaise | CommonRecordsZeroRaise | CommonRecordsNegativeRaise | ProportionFemale | CountFemale | AverageSalaryFemale | AverageRaiseFemale | CountMale | AverageSalaryMale | AverageRaiseMale | CountUnknown |
Total | 69 | -- | 128730.05 | 8882373.79 | -- | 21119.68 | -- | -- | -- | 0 | -- | -- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.710144927536231 | 49 | 123082.21 | -- | 20 | 142567.27 | -- | 0 |
2023 | 69 | -- | 128730.05 | 8882373.79 | -- | 21119.68 | -- | -- | -- | 0 | -- | -- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.710144927536231 | 49 | 123082.21 | -- | 20 | 142567.27 | -- | 0 |
Year | Count | CountIncrease | AverageSalary | TotalSalary | TotalSalaryIncrease | TotalBenefits | AverageRaise | AveragePositiveRaise | AverageNegativeRaise | CommonRecords | ProportionWithPositiveRaise | ProportionWithNegativeRaise | CommonRecordsPositiveRaise | CommonRecordsZeroRaise | CommonRecordsNegativeRaise | ProportionFemale | CountFemale | AverageSalaryFemale | AverageRaiseFemale | CountMale | AverageSalaryMale | AverageRaiseMale | CountUnknown |
Total | 69 | -- | 128730.05 | 8882373.79 | -- | 21119.68 | -- | -- | -- | 0 | -- | -- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.710144927536231 | 49 | 123082.21 | -- | 20 | 142567.27 | -- | 0 |
2023 | 69 | -- | 128730.05 | 8882373.79 | -- | 21119.68 | -- | -- | -- | 0 | -- | -- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.710144927536231 | 49 | 123082.21 | -- | 20 | 142567.27 | -- | 0 |
Year | Count | CountIncrease | AverageSalary | TotalSalary | TotalSalaryIncrease | TotalBenefits | AverageRaise | AveragePositiveRaise | AverageNegativeRaise | CommonRecords | ProportionWithPositiveRaise | ProportionWithNegativeRaise | CommonRecordsPositiveRaise | CommonRecordsZeroRaise | CommonRecordsNegativeRaise | ProportionFemale | CountFemale | AverageSalaryFemale | AverageRaiseFemale | CountMale | AverageSalaryMale | AverageRaiseMale | CountUnknown |
Total | 69 | -- | 128730.05 | 8882373.79 | -- | 21119.68 | -- | -- | -- | 0 | -- | -- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.710144927536231 | 49 | 123082.21 | -- | 20 | 142567.27 | -- | 0 |
2023 | 69 | -- | 128730.05 | 8882373.79 | -- | 21119.68 | -- | -- | -- | 0 | -- | -- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.710144927536231 | 49 | 123082.21 | -- | 20 | 142567.27 | -- | 0 |
Most Common Positions for this Employer in
Top Earners
with this Employer
since 1996
In Salary from this Employer
since 1996
Increases cannot be calculated because
there are no people belonging to this employer that appeared in consecutive years on the sunshine list.